I go to The Czech Republic a lot. The people are a lot more calm, ordered, polite and less selfish. They drink a lot more than us per capita, but you would never know it from the lack of antisocial behaviour, mindless violence and vandalism. The only idiots creating problems at night in Prague are tourists. Scenes of anarchy played out in every British city centre on Friday and Saturday nights are unknown in ordinary non-tourist towns and cities. The police carry guns and big sticks and mean business, but rarely have to use them. Gun ownership is a big thing, but once again, people rarely abuse the privilidge. The population is largely settled and largely indigenous Czech (that's white/Slavic to you pc zealots), especially away from Prague.
The Czechs started their lockdown early and called a state of emergency. The people respected this and rule breaking is both rare and very socially unacceptable. Whenever I visit the country, the sense of a population that pulls together in one direction is very obvious. We encouraged generations of selfish me, me immature idiots in The UK as well as self-contained immigrant populations who often just do their own thing without concern for everyone else.
It's not surprising that countries like CZ follow sensible rules and have very low infection/death rates from Corona.