Big Numbers today

netted off against the reduction in deaths due to reduced road traffic, and the reduction in deaths due to accidents at work, and the reduction in deaths due to drunks fighting outside pubs, and the reduction in asthma-related deaths due to the fall in pollution..

And a reduction in other types of Flu deaths, due to Lock down/distancing/cleanliness.
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When this pandemic is over and a proper audit is carried out to establish just how many have died of CV19, the results will be shocking.

The total number of deaths in "Care" homes
is still not clear.
The policy of sending old people from hospitals straight to Care homes without testing them for CV19 was a death sentence for large numbers of old people.
In a fortnight the number of new Covid 19 cases in London will be zero.

except that the government has now told the working-class people, the Expendables, to crowd onto buses and trains and get back to work, and the teachers to spend all day indoors surrounded by multiple people from different households.

Meanwhile the privileged classes continue to WFH in safety and comfort, often on full or 80% pay, for as long as the Waitrose delivery man stays alive.
When this pandemic is over and a proper audit is carried out to establish just how many have died of CV19, the results will be shocking.

The total number of deaths in "Care" homes
is still not clear.
The policy of sending old people from hospitals straight to Care homes without testing them for CV19 was a death sentence for large numbers of old people.

Nothing will happen. The report will never see the light of day and the apologists will be saying why are we discussing what has happened in the past and these people were going to die anyway.
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The same people who today are saying "this is not the time."
ou are aware that every country is using different criteria?
I am aware that Tory supporters are using that as a convenient excuse to deflect criticism.

Its the same excuse that Johnson used, citing a scientist who then had to go on SM to correct Johnson.
Notchy is not interested,as long as he can run the govt and country down.

Do you want me to say 'fantastic, there have only been 60,000 excess deaths, almost more than any other country in the world, isnt this country great, its wonderful DP voted for a lazy Cee nut
from the UK haters
You are a UK hater, not me.

I am proud of this United Kingdom
what a shame in your twisted logic we would be getting back control by putting a stonking great border inside the Kingdom

Are you proud this government have ended up with the 2nd highest death figures in the world?
Do you want me to say 'fantastic, there have only been 60,000 excess deaths, almost more than any other country in the world, isnt this country great, its wonderful DP voted for a lazy Cee nut
Notch I always took you for a country gent or village Vicar type...Not a lover of the C word.
Are you proud this government have ended up with the 2nd highest death figures in the world
Notch.We disagree in the wording.You insiniate it is 100% govt fault...I disagree with your hasty conclusion.
There are noises from Number 10 about differing R rates across the country even just in England; London is down to 0.4 so they say figures are crashing.

Personally if they want to experiment with school opening I would rather they did it there. ;) I don't live there. :) I don't fancy being a lab rat. As lockdown variations on an area basis have been mentioned I suspect this is where we are heading.

But London
The city's R rate of 0.4 means the outbreak is currently shrinking quickly with cases halving every 3.5 days

According to this numbers fall to some level that stays fairly constant but other aspects might influence it such as total % infected

:) Lab rats. In England the summer holidays start on 15 July and last weeks 29 to 35 we are in week 20 at the moment and as far as I know schools haven't really got going yet. So could finish up being 22 to 28 inclusive as far as attendance is concerned. 6 weeks ????? and ;) 6 weeks to see any effects.
When this pandemic is over and a proper audit is carried out to establish just how many have died of CV19, the results will be shocking.

The total number of deaths in "Care" homes
is still not clear.
Some articles on line are suggesting that it is being strongly encouraged to put Coronavirus as a cause of death down on the DC, even if it isn't.

The suggestion is that the Govt want as many deaths as possible attributable to COVID-19 so as to justify the extensive lockdown.

Some feel the the lockdown is Ultra Vires (outside of legal authority) and one businessman is launching a legal challenge:
Biggest numbers are in North east.....Dropping like flies in Sunderland.
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So if you have the Rona,and get hit by a bus...Have you died of the Rona?
Some articles on line are suggesting that it is being strongly encouraged to put Coronavirus as a cause of death down on the DC, even if it isn't.

The suggestion is that the Govt want as many deaths as possible attributable to COVID-19 so as to justify the extensive lockdown.

Some feel the the lockdown is Ultra Vires (outside of legal authority) and one businessman is launching a legal challenge:
That guy is probably after free publicity.
I notice the article mentioned his book and the fact he wants to crowd fund the case rather than spend his own money.
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