Interesting its what we were debating the other night on a group conference. Issuing everyone National IDs tagged to your positive test to Covid antibodies to allow free movement of immune people.
Sanity says everybody buys a mobile phone, leave it on at all times and allow themselves to be tracked. This seems to have been one of Singapore's best weapons. From a web page but they even tracked outside of their country. Having a few months of the data and people can be contact traced. Also a web page where people could register self isolation and I assume progress. That was mentioned as a major factor. Seems they have had ~ 1,400 hospital cases. Population ~5.6 million. Not much info other than this–20_coronavirus_pandemic_data/Singapore_medical_cases
There has been several people talking about personal freedom. Worrying about ID's doesn't make much sense really as we all have several that the gov holds. NH numbers for instance. The other one that is probably more wide spread is name, date of birth, house number / name + post code. Actually it makes more sense to have one card with everything on it plus a photo. Passport, driving license and etc. They already have some photo's.
It's also sometimes mentioned that we are the most watched country in the west.
I wonder if we are heading for zero deaths, zero hospital entries and some weeks / something like that. They have launched a web page now but that needs accurate tracking and correct info. Porton Down is aiming to monitor 16 to 20 thousand people to see if they have had it and also how long immunity lasts - probably most interested in the latter.