Bounce or no bounce?

Do you think Iran would be shipping Ballistics to Russia or that we'd be seeing the current de-stabilisation in the Middle East if Trumps sanctions against Iran had been maintained?.
No doubt Trumps sanctions on Iran helped it become tied closer than ever to Russia.
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Do you think Iran would be shipping Ballistics to Russia or that we'd be seeing the current de-stabilisation in the Middle East if Trumps sanctions against Iran had been maintained?.

They have been maintained!

Iran has just found ways around them, starting when Trump was still in power. It's something to do with Chinese "teapot" oil refineries. Very hard to get decent information.

North Korea also has very strict international sanctions imposed, and is a vastly poorer country, but it is shipping huge quantities of missiles and arms to Russia.

Sanctions by themselves aren't that effective. Trump didn't understand that. He sees sanctions like destroying a business; something where he has plenty of experience! But international diplomacy is much more complex.

Trump has a very simplistic understanding of most issues e.g. he still believes that when he puts tariffs on goods from China, it is China which pays the tarriff, rather than US consumers.
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No doubt Trumps sanctions on Iran helped it become tied closer than ever to Russia.
The set up he quashed was aimed at Iran having nuclear power and no nuclear bombs. Russia was intended to take any fissile materials away.

There was an interesting report on the box from the Atomic Energy Agency who still talk to them. Essentially they may have the quantities needed but so far haven't reached the stage where they have a developed bomb.
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Commentators who know him well say there's no way he can refuse a second debate, and it's just a negotiating ploy, to get more favourable conditions for the next one.

The two moderators/fact checkers at the last one won't get a look in.

There's no arguing Trump lost the debate, and deservedly so, but both candidates need to be fact checked, not just one.
The two moderators/fact checkers at the last one won't get a look in.

There's no arguing Trump lost the debate, and deservedly so, but both candidates need to be fact checked, not just one.

If only one candidate is telling outright lies, then only one should get fact checked.

Which claims by Kamala Harris do you think should have been fact checked?

Apparently, Trump told 33 outright lies during the debate.
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The two moderators/fact checkers at the last one won't get a look in.

There's no arguing Trump lost the debate, and deservedly so, but both candidates need to be fact checked, not just one.
You do understand the concept of fact checking, don't you?
And Kamala told none?

Only one actual outright lie according to CNN. She said Biden inherited the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. Otherwise, she twisted the truth, like all politicians do. But it is the scale and severity of Trump's lies that set him apart. That is why he needs to be fact checked. His constant lying shouldn't be normalised using false equivalency.

Trump again delivered a staggering quantity and variety of false claims, some of which were egregious lies about topics including abortion, immigration and the economy.

Harris was far more accurate than Trump; CNN’s preliminary count found just one false claim from the vice president, though she also added some claims that were misleading or lacking in key context.

The two moderators/fact checkers at the last one won't get a look in.

There's no arguing Trump lost the debate, and deservedly so, but both candidates need to be fact checked, not just one.

I actually did think they went too far on two occasions. When the male moderator said:

Muir responded, "The question was about you as president, not about Former Speaker Pelosi."

And I think the female moderator went too far when she kept pushing for a yes or no answer on his health plan.
Scientists discover a group of mammals who can breathe through their anus


The web hasn't existed for ever you know. It came to London 1st. Then B'ham which is when I started using it.

No where will you find a mention of this Chinese restaurant unless it holds records of local newspapers. Pretty sure the B'ham mail in this case.
So it could have been an extension of the myths about Chinese Restaurants that were rife at the time.
We all heard stories about foreign owned restaurants, it didn't make it true.
Disinformation was just as rife then as it is now. :rolleyes:

The obsession with China's 'weird' food, from donkey penis to the mythical dog in the takeaway, is a form of racism.
I met people who refused to go to Chinese restaurants because they believed – they were utterly convinced in fact – that such places sold dog meat (and their neighbours' pets at that!)
;) They did excellent food - if you like Chinese curries. When I heard about it I recollected finding a rather odd bone in one meal. LOL Probably a chicken's neck.

They were closed.
So you broke in. and ate a chicken meal, while they were closed?

Did you tell Trump about your experiences? :ROFLMAO:
He not only believed you, he quoted you on US national TV. :ROFLMAO:
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