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No different to when things go well. I tell myself everything about my business. The good bits and the bad bits. Why do you think I'm lower paid? I work what hours I want, anywhere between zero and 70 hours a week, averages about 25.
The quote was a reply to Denso. He has previously told us he is not a high paid worker. In your case however, the increase is impacting you more than an employee. You see on your "pay packet" employers NI, employee NI.. thats you on both counts.
But not at paypacket level
less money, means less money in your pay packet. sorry you didn't realise that.
What if they make bigger profits? It happens

Tell me why a company pays out for overtime if it's not for profit ? Cheaper than more full time staff. Naive indeed
Yep naive or stupid

Yes, good to see wage rises for the lower paid isn't it
50% tax rises will not increase wages for the lower paid.
I would point out that all these supposed impacts are just pie in the sky at the moment as the NI rise does not happen until April 6th 2025. and to be frank its roughly a 2.1 % rise overall for those that will pay it. When Boris hiked workers NI by 2 % what actually happened to jobs...nothing.
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less money, means less money in your pay packet. sorry you didn't realise that
The employee doesn’t pay Employers National Insurance.

So no it doesn’t mean less money in your packet.

Wages have stagnated over the 14 years of Tory power….that’s a lot less money in your pay packet…..but MKG wint admit Tories have f****d this country for the majority
Actually there is another factor associated with wage costs. Increases make companies more interested in increasing productivity. That can include job losses. Some degree of job losses can achieve it on it's own. Reeves comment on civil service back office costs might just relate to that.

The OBR forecast on the budget is a short term 0.7% increase in inflation next year. The markets feel this may prevent the BofE from reducing base rate twice this year. Not that it was clear that they would as some sectors are running too high. The 0.7 needs to be compared with wage rises. When it is the public finish up as being better off. 90% of them.
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