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The difference is those countries don’t have Tory governments that exist to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the poor.

That, and less of a "Me! Me! ME!" culture, no doubt.

The daft thing is, you can (sort of) understand the (former) Minister-for-the-18th-C, and codger-whose-£3k-in-'74-house-is-now-pushng-a-mill-types being that way, but it the RWR mouthbreathers who are barely existing...............................who STILL want to try and punch downwards............

...............when they're the ones at the bottom anyway, with no hope of that changing.
They want the ladder pulling up: they just don't comprehend that, not only are they not on the ladder themselves, but they're supporting those who won't be giving them a hand-up onto it.

Just like the MAGA morons do.
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They can be wealthy without someone else being poor.

Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Germany etc all have loads of millionaires and billionaires….but they also have higher standards of living for the majority.

The difference is those countries don’t have Tory governments that exist to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the poor.
You seem to be looking at them as they were 20 years ago.
The landlord, he gets richer because his property increases in value

The renter, he gets poorer because he pays rent for 25 years and at the end has no asset, he just bought the asset for someone else.

The renter can’t afford to ever buy because the rent cost stops him saving.

The result is more and more assets transferring from poor to rich

The landlord is being made rich on the wages of the poor renter

No the landlord is providing a service to the renter. Many people rent for a bit and then buy. How do they manage ?
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Why do you have to (try to) craft a question so as to preclude an answer that doesn't suit you?

"subsidise" :rolleyes:

You have a Tesla (as does our FD).

He manages the billable work of others.
If you do as our FD does, others work to contribute towards your remuneration, which pays for your Tesla.
Ahhh it’s about management feeding off the workers. All employment is the employer benefiting from the employees work.

The value of the work you do has to be worth more than the cost of you doing it.

Nothing stops you being the boss apart from your own talent.
The more pertinent question is, (if things carry on as they have been) will they manage in years to come?
House prices are a factor of demand and supply. There is no wealthy persons club where prices are secretly set to f** the poor.
You seem to be looking at them as they were 20 years ago.
Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany France all CURRENTLY have far higher living standards for the majority of citizens compared to UK

14 years of Tory what done it
House prices are a factor of demand and supply. There is no wealthy persons club where prices are secretly set to f** the poor.
Yes there is, the wealthy persons club is called the Conservative Party.

The big 6 housebuilders are all Conservative donors….they don’t do it or love, they do it for policy influence

House prices are a factor of government policy.

Flogging council houses and preventing more being built: reduces availability of affordable housing ergo increases property prices.
Seems to have gone quiet on the 1.5 million new homes Labour promised. That would solve all the problems wouldn't it.
Ahhh it’s about management feeding off the workers.
Levels of management are needed especially in larger organisations. Also some degree in smaller ones. Stick to ones that are employed. Director levels and CEO's. These are the ones that are likely to have specific contracts that are rather different to the ones an ordinary worker gets.

CEO's often get amazing deals. A subject that crops up from time to time ;) severance hand outs for instance not just salary. Who to ask for an opinion. One channel decided to ask a city trader. Their view was that it didn't matter. They are far more interested in trading and and the pay levels used don't really matter in respect to that.

Pay wise this upper echelon is not treated as ordinary workers are. LOL Wilson tried something that illustrated that
the trade unions would ensure that their members would cooperate with a programme of voluntary wage restraint, in which pay rises were held down to limits set down by the government
Net result they paid themselves more. Various deals then appear over time and often the gov gets around to clamping them down one way or another so that they are taxed.
Seems to have gone quiet on the 1.5 million new homes Labour promised. That would solve all the problems wouldn't it.
It wouldn’t solve the problems, although it might help a little bit.

Labour have diddly squat chance of reaching the 1.5m target.

I don’t see how the private sector can build any affordable homes, let alone 1.5m

The private sector are driven by profit, so they need high house prices…..so how are they going to build affordable homes. I’m not criticising house builders, they are in the business to make money and let’s be honest land is scarce and Labour and materials in construction is very high, so housebuilders generate lots of their profit from rising house prices…that’s their model.

To be fair to Labour they are pushing ahead hard on relaxing planning rules….which will make them hated by our land NIMBYs (I’m probably just as bad as everybody else on that).

Are NIMBYs Labour or Tory voters? I don’t know

Quit with the strawmen.

Which, in the model that you support (the status quo, with its wealth inequality an' all), only means you are then the one at the trough.

which bit of, nothing stops you, didn't you get?

You seem to want the benefits without the talent, risk and work needed.
Your not wrong Notch7 but we aren't even hearing the upscaling in production, training of new workers, engaging with the big 6. Just relaxing planning.

Planning easy to say but delivery will be frightening even for Big Ang
Levels of management are needed especially in larger organisations. Also some degree in smaller ones. Stick to ones that are employed. Director levels and CEO's. These are the ones that are likely to have specific contracts that are rather different to the ones an ordinary worker gets.

CEO's often get amazing deals. A subject that crops up from time to time ;) severance hand outs for instance not just salary. Who to ask for an opinion. One channel decided to ask a city trader. Their view was that it didn't matter. They are far more interested in trading and and the pay levels used don't really matter in respect to that.

Pay wise this upper echelon is not treated as ordinary workers are. LOL Wilson tried something that illustrated that
the trade unions would ensure that their members would cooperate with a programme of voluntary wage restraint, in which pay rises were held down to limits set down by the government
Net result they paid themselves more. Various deals then appear over time and often the gov gets around to clamping them down one way or another so that they are taxed.
Yep and they get fired at the drop of a hat.

What talented CEO / Director / Partner / VP is going take on a challenging role with a struggling company without a deal. These people have options. Yes of course the "workers" don't understand the value they bring, if they did, they might be further up the chain.
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