The difference is those countries don’t have Tory governments that exist to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the poor.
That, and less of a "Me! Me! ME!" culture, no doubt.
The daft thing is, you can (sort of) understand the (former) Minister-for-the-18th-C, and codger-whose-£3k-in-'74-house-is-now-pushng-a-mill-types being that way, but it the RWR mouthbreathers who are barely existing...............................who STILL want to try and punch downwards............
...............when they're the ones at the bottom anyway, with no hope of that changing.
They want the ladder pulling up: they just don't comprehend that, not only are they not on the ladder themselves, but they're supporting those who won't be giving them a hand-up onto it.
Just like the MAGA morons do.