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I'd be very happy to pay 30% tax on all my income - is that what you meant?
:) no just pointing it out. You though do not seem to want to pass on the NIC increase or absorb it. Also expect to gain 100% profit over salary on each person you employ. Not a model all can use.

Corporate profit - OBR
As a share of GDP, corporate profits(excluding financial and North Seacorporations) are expected to continue to fall from a peak of over 17 per cent in 2020 to around 14½ per cent in 2025. In the near term, wage settlement expectations have held up relative to recent falls in inflation expectations which, if realised, will continue to weigh on firms’ profit margins. The rise in employer NICs in this Budget will further erode profits and we assume firms are only able to pass on around 60 per cent of the cost to employees in the short term. We then expect the profit share to rise gradually from 2026 as firms rebuild margins and pass on more of the cost of the rise in employer NICs to higher consumer prices and lower nominal wages. By the end of the forecast, profits are expected to reach 15½ per cent of GDP. Compared to our March forecast, profits as a share of GDP are around ⅔percentage point lower on average between 2024 and 2028. About one-third of this difference is explained by this Budget.

It still results in an increased corporation tax take. Another balancing act as the increase in NIC is.

Kemi scored another own goal. She was critical about the NI increase. She was asked about the benifits which she sees as desirable. Starmer just replied where would you get the money from? Seems she is getting better though. Labour of course generated questions about various things she has said in the past - planned but what would you expect. All she could say is that these questions were planned.
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I have no problem with the gap closing as long as the solution is helping people better themselves, by giving them the skills to be more valuable
The solution to helping people help themselves is lower wealth inequality.

You have spent your life voting for the Tories whose ideology is making sure the wealthy accumulate the wealth
Nope yourself.

It's all there, in your postings.

Get editing, before you're shown up (y)
You're welcome to show a post where I said I need 2 years to get rid of someone. It doesn't take 2 years to get rid of someone in the UK.

I have said I like the flexibility of giving someone a chance to prove themselves knowing that the termination process in the first 2 years is very simple in the UK.

You would understand that taking 2 years to fire someone is not the same as being able to fire someone within the first 2 years.
The solution to helping people help themselves is lower wealth inequality.

You have spent your life voting for the Tories whose ideology is making sure the wealthy accumulate the wealth
it is isn't. Their "ideology" is encouraging people to go and get it for themselves. Not moan that others have it and they don't.
ahh so its not all there in my postings.. Looks like it wasn't me shown up (y)

If your continuing to demonstrate a contradictory, weasel-word approach to your undertakings isn't showing yourself up, you must have little shame or self-respect, is all I'll say (y)
Its normal just to apologise when you are wrong... is all I'll say (y)
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