Can Kamala Harris win?

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It's in the judgement which is clear.

"Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand the word “rape.” Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that."

And, even if we go with your argument, do you really think sexual abuser is much better?

Gasser supports sexual abusers. Is that better?
So i see you have conveniently not put the entire wording were it refers to Penis and digits . Did he insert a Penis or attempt to
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Clinton was accused of rape when he was a state governor it would appear that all got swept under the carpet and hushed up
Squirrels. :rolleyes:
Because someone else was accused of rape doesn't relate to Trump's guilt in any way. :rolleyes:
You're still struggling to understand, nothing about Biden, good or bad, makes Trump good.

It's just squirrels
He's a convicted felon and rapist but you have his supporters falling over themselves trying to argue about the meaning of words. Pathetic...
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Google tony bobulinski hunters business partner and go on you tube and see his testimony to senate committees regards Ukraine etc etc . Now if the judge in the gun case had accepted the plea deal the tax case or any other that surfaced wouldn't have went to trail

I've not been following any of this. I've just found this on Wikipedia. There's too much for any normal person to get their heads around. It reminds me a bit of the attempts to bring down the Clintons. Anyway, I hope you get the result you want!

Lacking evidence and Republican appetite to proceed to impeachment hearings with their thin House majority, by March 2024 the impeachment inquiry was winding down.

On February 15, 2024, the FBI arrested and charged Alexander Smirnov, who was the central figure in bribery allegations against Biden, for lying to investigators and fabricating an uncorroborated story to damage Biden's reelection campaign, and that "officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved" in manufacturing the story.
Who do I believe, Gasser or the judge and jury. Decisions, decisions...
Now did the jury find him Guilty of rape no
Yes, the jury found "exactly that".

"Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand the word “rape.” Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that."

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