Can Kamala Harris win?

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he used to boast of cruising through the ladies changing rooms at the Miss Universe shows, ogling the partially-clad teens.
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Kamala won't be getting votes from the pro-genocide Americans.

"Kamala Harris tells Benjamin Netanyahu 'it is time' to end war in Gaza | BBC News"​

Good heavens! She said that Palestinians have the right to self-determination!

The Genocidal Zionists will be burning her effigy at such a blasphemous idea!
Good heavens! She said that Palestinians have the right to self-determination!

The Genocidal Zionists will be burning her effigy at such a blasphemous idea!
but what would the Gazisions self determine for themselves? the river to the sea?
and could the good people of Isreal also be allowed this 'self determination'?
but what would the Gazisions self determine for themselves? the river to the sea?
and could the good people of Isreal also be allowed this 'self determination'?

The good people, and also the genocidal racists, of Israel already have self-determination.

To what extent do you think that Palestinians should be denied fredom? Should the Palestinians on the Gaza coast have the freedom to fish in the sea? Should Palestinians on the West Bank have the freedom to erect solar panels on their house? To store rainwater? To dig a well?

Should they have the freedom to walk or drive their car on a road?

Should a Palestinian in Jerusalem have the freedom to worship at his ancient religious site? Or to live in his family home without being evicted on racist grounds?

Should Palestinian children have the freedom to sleep through the night without a bunch of heavily armed Zionists bursting into their home?

The are all freedoms they are currently denied.
The good people, and also the genocidal racists, of Israel already have self-determination.

To what extent do you think that Palestinians should be denied fredom? Should the Palestinians on the Gaza coast have the freedom to fish in the sea? Should Palestinians on the West Bank have the freedom to erect solar panels on their house? To store rainwater? To dig a well?

Should they have the freedom to walk or drive their car on a road?

Should a Palestinian in Jerusalem have the freedom to worship at his ancient religious site? Or to live in his family home without being evicted on racist grounds?

Should Palestinian children have the freedom to sleep through the night without a bunch of heavily armed Zionists bursting into their home?

The are all freedoms they are currently denied.
they have the freedom to release the hostages
Trump has jumped on Kamalas bandwagon

"Trump has also called for an end to the fighting in Gaza, telling Fox News ahead of his meeting with Netanyahu that Israel must end the war “and get it done quickly”

He said Israel is “getting decimated” by negative publicity about its prosecution of the war. According to his campaign’s account of the meeting, Trump “pledged that when he returns to the White House, he will make every effort to bring peace to the Middle East”.

Seems to be a pattern emerging. Moving closer to public opinion?
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