Can Kamala Harris win?

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Give @Munroast time to consider what freedoms, if any, he thinks Palestinians should have.

Then he can consider which ones they lack.

All this nonsense about Israel and Palestine, showing pictures of dead children and body parts means nothing to Western audiences.
The "we love Israel "cabbages that follow this scam , Don't realise that when the situation escalates out of control, at some point they or their kids will end up in a war .
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She knows more than filly does.

And is a decent human being.

"He recalled two patients aged around six years old, who had suffered gunshots to their heads and chests – wounds which suggested they had been deliberately targeted, he said.

“No kid gets shot twice by a sniper by mistake,” Perlmutter said, adding that the shots were “dead center” to their chests.
"Dr. Mark Perlmutter, a Jewish American orthopedic hand surgeon from North Carolina and president of the World Surgical Association, told CNN that he decided to go to Gaza after receiving photographs of an X-ray of a poorly performed surgery in the battered enclave.

The photos were sent to him by a first-year medical resident who had been forced to perform the surgery and requested Perlmutter’s expertise. When Perlmutter asked why senior surgeons hadn’t done the operation, the resident explained that they had been killed in a bombing."
A decent human being.

"As Perlmutter tried to treat the children with head injuries, he said, their “brains poured out” in his hands, in what he described as a personally traumatic moment."
That's fine. If you are a Zionist who refers to Palestinians as animals or subhuman
I must stop you there

I'm not sure what a zionist is and I have never referred to anyone from Gaza as animals or subhuman

As far as I can tell, Gaza without Hamas could be a happy successful principality, and with Hamas gone (and the hostages freed) I don't see why this would not happen in the foreseeable future - plenty western nations with deep pockets could start helping tomorrow

but you need to free the hostages and make good your horrible attacks on the jews

come on - allow people with views that differ from yours freedom to exist
"Perlmutter told CNN that during his trip, he saw significant violence inflicted on children, who accounted for around 90% of those attending the emergency room while he was working at the European Gaza Hospital."
your horrible attacks on the jews

come on - allow people with views that differ from yours freedom to exist

I have not made "horrible attacks" on the jews

Though I do criticise racism, apartheid and genocide.

I have not "not allowed" people with different views to exist, nor have I shot their children, bombed their homes or bulldozed their cemeteries.

I do not have any hostages.

The Gaza Strip and West Bank were occupied by Israel in 1967, and oppression and slaughter of Palestinians began long before Hamas was founded in 1987, and elected to power in 2006.
Aren't there enough threads already about Israel, the Palestinians, Gaza etc? Do we really have to derail this one?
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