Can Kamala Harris win?

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Why should gender and race be an issue.
Candidates should chosen by ability and not race or religion.

You seem to have missed the point entirely. I'm a bit surprised, because it wasn't exactly subtle.
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but what would the Gazisions self determine for themselves? the river to the sea?
and could the good people of Isreal also be allowed this 'self determination'?

I suppose you favour Israel oppressing Palestinians out of sheer spite and hatred.

So you don't think they should have any freedom.
The hostages should be freed immediately, after they have all been returned safe and well and Hamas (the terrorist organisation) has surrendered for due process. Then discussions could begin to establish what their problem is
The hostages should be freed immediately, after they have all been returned safe and well and Hamas (the terrorist organisation) has surrendered for due process. Then discussions could begin to establish what their problem is
So you don't think Palestine should have any freedom.
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So you'd vote Sinn Fein if you felt the candidate was more worthy, would you ****.
fair enough, however, anyone who subscribes to the obscene philosophy of Irish Republicanism.
Should never be worthy of leaving the house unsupervised.
Politics in America are polarised at moment but they play by the rules.
Could you imagine a situation where the Democrats refused to condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Sinn Fein has never condemned the murder of Polictians, NHS nurses, pregnant women; babies in Prams , I could go on , and on , yet you get outraged about Palestinians killing Jewish people, you then want revenge on innocent Palestinians .
Have you ever wondered why you are more outraged by the crimes inflicted by foreigners on other foreigners than by crimes against your own folk by the likes of Sinn Fein.
Could you imagine a situation where the Democrats refused to condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

The republican party are pretty awful.
So you don't think Palestine should have any freedom.
of course they should, but first things first - release the hostages

if the hostages were released and the Hamas terrorists were in custody, then of course I would like the people of the Gaza strip to get back to enjoying a normal life - I think everyone would want that.

but the first move has to be releasing all of the hostages
of course they should, but first things first - release the hostages

if the hostages were released and the Hamas terrorists were in custody, then of course I would like the people of the Gaza strip to get back to enjoying a normal life - I think everyone would want that.

but the first move has to be releasing all of the hostages
That's fine. If you are a Zionist who refers to Palestinians as animals or subhuman then you will start from the assumption that they have no rights and deserve no freedoms. As I have illustrated, this is how Israel has treated them for the last 70 years. It has not brought peace.

Releasing the thousands of Palestinian hostages that Israel has imprisoned without charge or trial should be a first move, as you say.

The republican party are pretty awful.
Yes they are bad but they don't vote for murderers.
I would like the people of the Gaza strip to get back to enjoying a normal life - I think everyone would want that.

I would like the people of Gaza to START enjoying a normal life. They have never had one. Except perhaps the few survivors over 80 with good memories.
I would like the people of Gaza to START enjoying a normal life. They have never had one. Except perhaps the few survivors over 80 with good memories.

Yes they are bad but they don't vote for murderers.
Sinn Feins newest MP, former head of the Royal collage of Nursing.
Her previous job was to look after the interests of Nurses.
Yet she refused to condemn the murder of 4 nurses by the IRA in the remembrance day bombing in Enniskillen.
And you wonder why Britain is going down the tubes.
Your picture shows a brave attempt to imitate normal life. It doesn't show Israels giant wall surrounding Gaza, stacked with machine guns, CCTV, and soldiers with binoculars. It does not show the Israeli tanks blocking the border. It does not show Israel's sewage piped into open ditches

Neither does it show Israeli gunboats who intermittently shell the beach, killing children playing football, families having picnics, and shooting any Palestinians who try to fish on the sea.

None of these are new oppressions.

To what extent do you think that Palestinians should be denied fredom? Should the Palestinians on the Gaza coast have the freedom to fish in the sea? Should Palestinians on the West Bank have the freedom to erect solar panels on their house? To store rainwater? To dig a well?

Should they have the freedom to walk or drive their car on a road?

Should a Palestinian in Jerusalem have the freedom to worship at his ancient religious site? Or to live in his family home without being evicted on racist grounds?

Should Palestinian children have the freedom to sleep through the night without a bunch of heavily armed Zionists bursting into their home?

The are all freedoms they are currently denied, and have been for many years.
That takes some balls at this delicate time for her.

She knows more than filly does.

And is a decent human being.

"A group of 45 American physicians and nurses who volunteered in hospitals across Gaza have sent an open letter to US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris sharing their experiences and demanding an immediate ceasefire and arms embargo.

The signatories unanimously described treating children who had suffered injuries they believed must have been deliberately inflicted. “Specifically, every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head and chest,” they wrote.

“We wish you could see the nightmares that plague so many of us since we have returned: dreams of children maimed and mutilated by our weapons, and their inconsolable mothers begging us to save them. We wish you could hear the cries and screams our consciences will not let us forget.”
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