Can Kamala Harris win?

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fair enough, however, anyone who subscribes to the obscene philosophy of Irish Republicanism.
Vinty thinks that Ireland should be subservient to UK.
Irish republicanism is the political movement for an Irish republic void of any British rule.

Vinty is an obscene Unionist because he wants to dominate a neighbouring country and thinks they should swear fealty to UK. :rolleyes:
of course they should, but first things first - release the hostages

if the hostages were released and the Hamas terrorists were in custody, then of course I would like the people of the Gaza strip to get back to enjoying a normal life - I think everyone would want that.

but the first move has to be releasing all of the hostages
But only for Hamas to release Israeli hostages, while Israel rounds up a few more thousand Palestinians as even more hostages. :rolleyes:
Sinn Feins newest MP, former head of the Royal collage of Nursing.
Her previous job was to look after the interests of Nurses.
Yet she refused to condemn the murder of 4 nurses by the IRA in the remembrance day bombing in Enniskillen.
And you wonder why Britain is going down the tubes.
She was just 22 years old at the time. She was a young, no-one of any note, trainee, nurse at the time of the Enniskillen Bombing.
Whatever her thoughts on the subject would not have been considered sufficiently noteworthy important to make the local parish rag. :rolleyes:

It's like complaining that Jeremy Corbyn didn't disagree with UK's role in the Suez Crisis in 1956. :rolleyes:

She didn't join the RCN until she was 51 years old.

As a Sinn Fein MP, she doesn't take up her seat in the HoC, but you blame her for the fortunes, or lack of, of the UK. :rolleyes:
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What do you think the problem is.?
Can't see what the problem is

Give @Munroast time to consider what freedoms, if any, he thinks Palestinians should have.

Then he can consider which ones they lack.
You're advising a poster who believes that the majority Catholics. do not deserve equality with the minority Protestants in NI.
Vinty is a frim believer in apartheid, and advocates for its reintroduction in NI.
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I must stop you there

I'm not sure what a zionist is and I have never referred to anyone from Gaza as animals or subhuman

As far as I can tell, Gaza without Hamas could be a happy successful principality,
Hamas owes its sheer existence to Israel.
Without the initial backing of Israel, and the continued subjugation of Palestinians by Israel, Hamas would not exist.
I posted, some years ago, that this guy was a future POTUS.

Sooner rather than later I hope, for many people's and peoples' sake.

I posted, some years ago, that this guy was a future POTUS.

Sooner rather than later I hope, for many people's and peoples' sake.

Why on God's green Earth would you imagine Peet Buttgig could be a President of anywhere other than his local car dealership?
I have not made "horrible attacks" on the jews

Though I do criticise racism, apartheid and genocide.

I have not "not allowed" people with different views to exist, nor have I shot their children, bombed their homes or bulldozed their cemeteries.

I do not have any hostages.

The Gaza Strip and West Bank were occupied by Israel in 1967, and oppression and slaughter of Palestinians began long before Hamas was founded in 1987, and elected to power in 2006.
Gaza / Hamas & their supporters were responsible for the attacks on Oct 7th and the taking of the hostages, and they continue to hold onto them - are you saying that you are not part of this abomination?
Why on God's green Earth would you imagine Peet Buttgig could be a President of anywhere other than his local car dealership?
He is a rising star actually and known to be extremely bright.

Some talk he could be Harrises running mate.
Gaza / Hamas & their supporters were responsible for the attacks on Oct 7th and the taking of the hostages, and they continue to hold onto them - are you saying that you are not part of this abomination?
Yes, of course Palestinians are part of this abomination, they're the subjugated and persecuted population of an Israeli occupation. and it's been going on for decades.
The conflict did not start on October 7.
Even 1948 was not the start of the conflict.
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948.

One could go back to post WW1, and even further to find the start of the conflict.

It needs brave governments from both sides to ditch their fundamental religious doctrine and search for a path to peace, in part returning to the pre 1967 borders.
The 1947 UN Resolution was not a peaceful resolution, it incited and exacerbated the underlying, and until then low-key conflicts. into the decades long conflict that we see today.
The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five,Israel on May 14, 1948.
The huge momentum that the switch from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris obviously won’t carry her through to the election in November.

As things settle down, I wonder what that will look like

Personally I think Harris has a good chance: Obviously women like her due to women’s rights, ethnic minorities like her, younger generation like her and there are a fair few “double haters” who were turned off politics by 2 old men who were same old faces

Trump is now stuck with JD Vance, they are both one trick pony’s who can only attract MAGAs with their hateful hyperbole. They have limited options in attracting swing voters…..they won’t get youth vote or women.

If Trump wins it will cause huge damage to American society, they want to deconstruct democracy, remove women’s rights, remove rights for minorities, make themselves immune to the law, Trump has plans to kick out impartial civil servants and replace with MAGA cultists. I can’t get my head around why people on here like Filly and Gas112 think he is great.
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