Can Kamala Harris win?

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She needs a strong economist, whether as VP or head of the Fed, who's popular. All Americans know they're digging themselves deeper in debt and need someone that can believe understands the situation and can magic it away.
You my have noticed FED going bust in the news a few times. There may be a Trump feature that relates. He set up taxation changes for a fixed period that ends early next year. Biden intended to change it when it ends to redirect who benefits effectively increasing the tax take back to more like it was.

Trump's intent. Even more tax reduction. Fine but that can result in a Truss situation so to do it he needs to reduce expenditure. He does to extend the time period of his earlier change as well. Or maybe get more from other areas "Drill Baby Drill" ? Interesting comment. Greening expenditure might figure?

The new noise from the Republicans goes China is preparing for war. They need to concentrate on that. China actually is going we will match or exceed US might. Posturing etc. There has been a US view that eventually China will be the top economy for rather a long time. They are not the only country that sees it that way. ) Read the west.

So where does this leave Europe. We live in Europe like it or not. One version from the Republicans is that all situations such as Ukraine eventually get settled diplomatically so get it over with. The other is not their problem so handle it yourselves. Ukraine as forecast has severely hit world trade aspects as Russia was well tied into it.

There is another factor that relates to the US that is of interest to who ever run it
US Trade Gap Largest Since October 2022 on Imports Surge The trade deficit in the US widened to $74.6 billion in April 2024, the largest since October 2022 from a downwardly revised $68.6 billion in March and below forecasts of a $76.1 billion gap.
The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $367.4 billion in 2022. U.S. goods exports to China in 2022 were $154.0 billion, up 1.7 percent ($2.6 billion) from 2021 and up 39 percent from 2012.

Tariff trade wars. Trump wanted China to regulate steel prices by controlling their production. They wouldn't so he introduced a tariff. Biden same concerning just about anything relating to electric cars Some consideration of finding alternate sources for some materials. The EU has also introduced tariffs. World trade is hitting a bit of a problem in areas like this as it has with electronic bits and pieces. The US wants companies to make there even though costs are higher.
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Same dates as your poll, but let's not mention that eh. Rapist supporters will do anything though...
i know you struggle with basic maths but the poll in your link putting kamala in the lead was monday and tuesday 22nd and 23rd
The more recent one putting trump in the lead is 23rd to 25th.
As of today:


The Economist
i know you struggle with basic maths but the poll in your link putting kamala in the lead was monday and tuesday 22nd and 23rd
The more recent one putting trump in the lead is 23rd to 25th.
So both covered the 23rd. And I struggle with maths? Sicko...
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So both covered the 23rd. And I struggle with maths? Sicko...
What bit of two days further on that makes it more recent are you struggling with. Do you come on here on purpose to make yourself look so stupid
This version is more informative.
The slope of the lines means more at the moment than what each have reached. One month on may give a better indication. She hasn't actually been selected yet. The Republicans are pushing that she has had a bump up as new but it will fade. Looks to be a bit of an exaggeration. Actual selection may give her another as well.

LOL An RT link cropped up.
"Early polls after Mr Biden dropped out suggest Ms Harris is closer to Mr Trump than her predecessor was, but she is still trailing; one by YouGov/The Economist on July 21st-23rd put Ms Harris at 41% and Mr Trump at 44%, while a New York Times/Siena poll from July 22nd-24th put her at 47% to his 48% among likely voters. Once there are sufficient polls to create a reliable average we will restart our tracker (for now we are reporting candidates’ favourability ratings)."

This is good run down on Harris's "weakness" however it finishes with this comment
Since the bill failed in the Senate, Biden has taken executive actions to crack down on asylum-seeking. Last month, unlawful border crossings fell to the lowest monthly number of his presidency, lower than they were in some months under Trump in 2019. Biden highlighted that in his speech to the country Wednesday, saying “border crossings are lower today” than they were in the Trump era.
Figures bear that out. Near the highest deportation level ever achieved.

One problem country
In 2017, Trump had imposed sanctions blocking the Venezuelan government and oil firms from accessing international credit markets.
He didn't like the flavour of some one who was elected - oil and the general public related. Net effect little or no oil exports so no money coming in. 30% of the population are said to have left. They have the largest oil reserves.
What bit of two days further on that makes it more recent are you struggling with
What bit of the same day are you struggling with. And two days difference make the old one out of date? Sicko...

Yours is also out of date with the current ones.
Trump supports Project 2025

Project 2025 wants to take away help for farmers…because they want big ag to dominate food production

Small farmers are Trump supporters….they are voting against their best interests

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