Can Kamala Harris win?

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As I pointed out in another thread on this subject. America is the most racially backward, mysogynistic, male dominated go hung country in the world in my opinion. Kamala Harris is a coloured woman and an ex vp. She will have a huge job to bring the american people over to her side especially the idiots who support the idiot trump. I sincerely hope she can beat him and his followers but I think she has an uphill struggle. I wish her all the luck in the world for the sake of america and the rest of the world.
My thoughts too.
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As I pointed out in another thread on this subject. America is the most racially backward, mysogynistic, male dominated go hung country in the world in my opinion. Kamala Harris is a coloured woman and an ex vp. She will have a huge job to bring the american people over to her side especially the idiots who support the idiot trump. I sincerely hope she can beat him and his followers but I think she has an uphill struggle. I wish her all the luck in the world for the sake of america and the rest of the world.

My thoughts too.

Quite right, It would be terrible if a woman who 'wasn't of colour' was elected. **** me, what has the world come too?
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Quite right, It would be terrible if a woman who 'wasn't of colour' was elected. **** me, what has the world come too?
Just checked wiki, and there haven't been any thus far. Hillary came close in 2016 and they objected to her as well.
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Quite right, It would be terrible if a woman who 'wasn't of colour' was elected. **** me, what has the world come too?
Odd response to those rightly concerned with an orange megalomaniac, rapist, fraudster, adulterer getting the job.

Until of course folk realise who your hero is - i.e. sacked lying scumbag Boris.
A new poll puts her 2% ahead of Trump, and 4% ahead when Kennedy is also included on the ballot. I had the impression she was way behind. I know it's all about the electoral college, but it doesn't look as bleak as I had thought.
Historically Democratic party candidates win the popular vote (get the most votes), but sometimes lose the electoral college.

By design the US electoral system gives the tiny states a lot more weight than they'd get based on head count alone. Those states are generally poor white and rural, and hard line Republican strongholds.
Dozy Donald is past it, he needs to step down

Poor chap can hardly remember what day of the week it is

No wonder he is so scared of debating against Kamala…..a person almost 20 years younger and a qualified legal professional who has been state prosecutor.

She'll get a lot of PR, so many people want anything but Trump. I suspect she will fail.

The simple question is, if she was good enough, why did they wait so long to make the switch.

She has a bit of a 2nd place Sunak about her. Perfectly capable, but nobody cares.
Quite right, It would be terrible if a woman who 'wasn't of colour' was elected. **** me, what has the world come too?
LOL Just like Thatcher did for the UK she will sort them out.

Actually from her speech it sounds like she intends to undo some changes that relate to that period. Some US may see that as too left. Also intends to ban assault rifles. That wont go down well with some. Shooting is a serious sport for some. It has been for me at times. The weapon used to kill most often in the US is easily handguns also it seems a round Walmart sell cheaply in bulk.

The swing states usually sets who wins as others tend to be rock solid for who ever holds them. That applies to the Senate, Governors may change eg Kansas. I do know a few people from there via work. I recollect a president mentioning fast tracking - their view communist. Blacks make it if they are any good. None of the people I know there could be called thickheads. Feeling are just ingrained. LOL They also have an interesting view on what they call red necks.
She'll get a lot of PR, so many people want anything but Trump. I suspect she will fail.
It's early days for the polls. Some of the more indirect ones such as infusiasm show changes - the want to vote aspect.
Also I suspect politicians take more notice of more thorough polls than the usual where more questions are asked. Labour did recently.
The Dems will probably hammer home the idiotic anti abortion garbage, being promised by the nutty party.
There was a suggestion that the Dems should table the "Donald Trump assault rifle ban" following his shooting and let the Republicans vote against it.
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