Can Kamala Harris win?

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Or will you join the likes of gas, Johnny and filly making spurious claims then claiming they can't be bothered with stuff like evidence?
Don’t need to. Being the idiot you are, you’ve already admitted to rejoining under different identities.
Show me.
Or will you join the likes of gas, Johnny and filly making spurious claims then claiming they can't be bothered with stuff like evidence?
or Option c) going on and on and on and on and on and on and on...until nobody gives a rats.
Don’t need to. Being the idiot you are, you’ve already admitted to rejoining under different identities.
Show me.
Evidence is not your strong point, unsupported mendacious accusations is your speciality. :rolleyes:
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or Option c) going on and on and on and on and on and on and on...until nobody gives a rats.
While there are racists and liars making unsupported accusations I will expose then for precisely what they are.
If you're not content with that, you're not obliged to participate.
Get a room and bang it out already. Spare us the ongoing psychodrama
While there are racists and liars making unsupported accusations I will expose then for precisely what they are.
If you're not content with that, you're not obliged to participate.
you need to read what i posted in the context of the quote. :mrgreen:
why did she refuse to debate trump
no idea where you get your news from but that is not an accurate comment. Trump for some reason suddenly insisted it should be hosted by fox news.
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no idea where you get your news from but that is not an accurate co,comment. Trump for some reason suddenly insisted it should be hosted by fox news.
what the NABJ one no it wasnt by fox news suggest you check your sources . She was invited but refused
This is typical cow dung. People like gas, filly and Johnny claim they have already provided a link, proof, etc, then when asked to represent it, they duck out with lame excuses like, find it yourself, it's been deleted, or they can't be bothered.
Oh., how easily the liars are exposed.

Apparently, according to experts, liars are most easily exposed when they're asked to multi-task. Their brain can't cope with simple distraction techniques.
And they do it to themselves, they make a spurious claim, refer to something that was supposed to have occurred earlier, and their brain becomes confused.
wtf are you on about the links where already there . I put a video up i put up several quotes with the source link to stars and stripes attached not my fault some in here dont know how to back page as well as they can back peddle
Mottie supports a guy who has sex with couches

“the first vp pick to have admitted in a ny times bestseller to ****ing an Inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions (vance, hillbilly elegy, pp. 179-181).”
you certainly do need the meds upping if thats the sites you are going on
LOL I know my news is correct and rather recent.

A fact though. A real fact. One of them will win and currently the polls are too mixed/close to call it. All that can be said is Harris has gained.
you need to read what i posted in the context of the quote. :mrgreen:
Get a room and bang it out already. Spare us the ongoing psychodrama
My apologies to anyone who is bored with exposing racists, liars, criminals and other bigots.
While these type of people, infect the social media with their hateful lies, fomenting social division, I will continue to object, criticise and expose them.
By all means, ignore me if you wish, but don't acquiesce to their antisocial behaviour.
wtf are you on about the links where already there . I put a video up i put up several quotes with the source link to stars and stripes attached not my fault some in here dont know how to back page as well as they can back peddle
When someone, anyone claims to have provided evidence and are unwilling or unable to represent it, it smacks of false claim.
Evidence is not destroyed by presenting it one time.
If you presented it once, you can present it again. It's so easy.
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