Can Kamala Harris win?

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And that's what's driving Trump mad. He is so used to setting the agenda, but he is being drowned out. Yesterday he tried to get some attention back with the news conference, but it was a car crash. It could have been a lot worse, though. There were several times when he starts to attack Kamala, but pulls himself back and tries to talk about policy, albeit in his usual rambling nonsensical way. The one time he really snapped was when asked about crowd sizes. He is obsessed and went on and on.Then, when asked about whether he would accept defeat and about 6 January, he said nobody was killed (OMG!!) and that everyone had forgotten about it, and then started talking for ages about how big his crowd was on that day and that it was bigger than Martin Luther King's.
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T. How bad can an interview be when your own people pull the cord on it?
At what point did his own people pull the cord surely if you watched it you would have seen who ended it . Oh yeah the interviewer because it was the end of the time slot dont let truth stand in the way of your fiction
And if you did watch it answer how late was it and why without googling it ,, this will be interesting how quick you answer

I watched it. Trump blamed the audio system. The real reason is that they wanted to fact check him in real time and he refused to go on stage until they dropped that requirement.

now if he had messed up the NABJ who would have been down his throat the right or the left wing press

If you read the mainstream quality papers like the NYT and WPost there have been many articles about what a disaster it was.
At what point did his own people pull the cord surely if you watched it you would have seen who ended it . Oh yeah the interviewer because it was the end of the time slot dont let truth stand in the way of your fiction

The truth is somewhere in between. He was originally asked to chat for an hour, but he also had another previous engagement later. Obviously, with it starting so late, he could no longer stay for the full hour. But the journalists asking the questions said afterwards that, because of his demeanour, they were glad he couldn't stay any longer because he had made it so unpleasant.
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He's only doing press conferences at the moment, Volume low and I couldn't hear the questions - no mic passed around? Pass.

I guess it's deliberate from Trump. It's been held at his house and it's his rules. He gets to choose who attends and doesn't want the viewers to hear what he is being asked so that he can answer in any way he wants without being held to account.
The truth is somewhere in between. He was originally asked to chat for an hour, but he also had another previous engagement later. Obviously, with it starting so late, he could no longer stay for the full hour. But the journalists asking the questions said afterwards that, because of his demeanour, they were glad he couldn't stay any longer because he had made it so unpleasant.
Now what journalist was that the one closest to him or the other two. And do you not think she would have defended herself when he had a go at her for keeping him waiting because of their equipment failure she would have retorted and you not wanting fact checked she was not holding back in any way at all .
Now what journalist was that the one closest to him or the other two. And do you not think she would have defended herself when he had a go at her for keeping him waiting because of their equipment failure she would have retorted and you not wanting fact checked she was not holding back in any way at all .

The journalist in the middle, but she said they all felt the same afterwards. He was hostile, rude and unpleasant throughout. I believe the host showed great restraint and was very polite after being insulted constantly by Trump. He would probably have stormed off stage if he was challenged. You have to remember we are dealing with a man child here.
The journalist in the middle, but she said they all felt the same afterwards. He was hostile, rude and unpleasant throughout. I believe the host showed great restraint and was very polite after being insulted constantly by Trump. He would probably have stormed off stage if he was challenged. You have to remember we are dealing with a man child here.
Nonsense the one on the right is very pro Trump and is on fox news afterwards singing his praises . Insulted or answered back in the same way she asked the questions
The real reason is that they wanted to fact check him in real time and he refused to go on stage until they dropped that requirement
This is the real story.

Trump lies so much he couldn’t possibly allow himself to be fact checked.
filling out their rallies what was it she had at last one estimated at 14000 what was it trump had in new jersey estimated at between 60 to 100000.
It is impressive how Trump manages to kettle so many thick people together.
she is running scared

Here is Kamala Harris giving straight, concise answers to journalists, including saying she is happy to look at any proposals for debates with Dementia Don

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