Can Kamala Harris win?

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oh deary me do you not keep upto date with american politics if not best you stop commenting on something you clearly do not have a clue about
You don’t have a clue

You support the fat orange pathological liar

Trumps speeches are an incoherent ramble of bolox
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Trump just lies and lies and lies

Trump says crime has gone up under Biden WRONG violent crime down 26%

His press conference yesterday was a stream of lies

But gas112 and Filly think he is great, they love being lied to…what sort of people approve of liars?
A = people with no morals thenselves

I see you've corrected your monetary mistake. You sure you have the right figure now? :ROFLMAO:
Mottie says: the pensioners winter fuel allowance has had to be dropped because Tories spaffed all the money away.
Two hundred quid is not worth wetting your knickers for. You could spend that on a decent meal with wine.
But you wouldn't spend it on properly re-registering a car in Spain, that would make everything legit.
You prefer to waste thousands on fraudulently issuing MOT certificates even though the car has never been tested in 7,8 or 9 years.
And spend thousands on pointless and irrelevant insurance policies that are useless and do not provide an iota of cover.

What kind of intelligence does one have to commit crimes like that?
You frequently use You Tube clips to support your assertion.
I bloody well don’t!
Show me just one YouTube clip I’ve used then.
Gotcha. :rolleyes:
Expected because you're a proven liar. :rolleyes:
This is two in quick succession. :rolleyes:

It's still further proof of Mottie's habitual lies. He can't help himself, he'll lie persistently in an attempt to maintain what little credibility he has left.
He'll invent anecdotes and imagined scenarios to spread his bigoted ideology. Then he'll deny whatever he needs to deny to protect himself.
He'll say and do anything in attempts to protect himself against accusations. Anything he says has to be treated with maximum suspicion.
He'll accuse others of actions which he commits himself, and he'll criticise others of the things he's also guilty of.
He might get away with his lies in real life because his words are not recorded. But when he commits his words in writing, he's easily exposed.

This money that they've spaffed your way, you then wasted it on committing pointless crimes. :rolleyes:
Munroast conveniently forgets he voted for Conservatives spaffing money on:

£100b on Brexit,
£32b on test n trace
£4.5b on bogus PPE
£700m on Rwanda (and cost would’ve been £10b over 7 years)
£200m on Michelle Mone
and I think I complained about all those too.

But just cause the last lot wasted money does not mean we should be happy this lot waste money - and Labour will bankrupt the country
You don’t have a clue

You support the fat orange pathological liar

Trumps speeches are an incoherent ramble of bolox
working you out now , the nurse doesnt actually turn up till after 9 with your meds does she .
and I think I complained about all those too.

But just cause the last lot wasted money does not mean we should be happy this lot waste money - and Labour will bankrupt the country
The Tories didn't actually bankrupt us then ?
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