Can Kamala Harris win?

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for super wealthy
Actually Trump did a sort of Truss with their income tax system. Debt for the US is high. Probably relates. Some of the set up is due to end early next year. He appears to have changed what the US have always been proud of. A very progressive taxation system. Biden intends to end Trump's change and restrict the gain to the lower earner range. As announced some others are doing things with their money, as usually happens. There were all sorts of changes. LOL need to read about it. Conclusions in general - problems and doesn't achieve anything in several areas and if it did short term. Some did pay less income tax which widens the income gaps.
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and now we have something far far worse - this is the beginning of the end of the UK
Provide the evidence

Labour will destroy britain with its long term socialist dream of a world without borders
Please provide the Labour policies which will bring in open borders

the flood gates to mass inward migration will be very slowly raised in the next 5 years
What is this based on?

And kamala will try to do the same if she gets elected
Evidence please

I don't care that much for Trump, but for americas sake he has to win
You got that the wrong war round

For Americas sake Trump has to lose……try reading up on Project 2025
did you see them running to IMF nope
Doing that has consequences much like Greece and an EU bank bailout only usually more severe. Do you know what the problems are?

As we stand certain aspects are down to guilts selling at a loss.
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Caused by Tories

“The origins of the crisis have been attributed to the 1972 Conservative "spend for growth" budget initiating the inflation cycle”

Poor gas112 always pointing out Tory failure.
im pretty certain you must know what your replying to and saying but the rest of us are left pondering when the fek the meds will kick in
And kamala will try to do the same if she gets elected, I don't care that much for Trump, but for americas sake he has to win
Actually Biden has been doing rather well on removals. Causing Trump some problems so he has need of a new idea. The one he mentions may already exist. It usually does in any system.
He might be one of those NWO/Davos/Rothschild conspiracy nuts. They do tend to favour Trump
Odd how Andy is not bothered about Trump being a convicted felon….with court cases still happening.
in some ways not worth mentioning at the UK end. Each time a new case pops up his campaign funds increase. The faithful. Why - clear out the cesspit comments in the past and complaining that it's a conspiracy driven by the democrats.

So here we may think some US citizens are daft. Tough, it's down to how some think due to various comments made by Trump.
Angry get a grip or perhaps less of a grip . I was merely point out your lies about bankruptcy you obviously dont like being corrected
Point out the lie then. Your intellect should help. I'll wait.

But why are you always so angry ? Is it medical or just normal?
One thing Harris is likely to need is votes from the younger end of the population. Polls tend to ignore this end as often they don't vote. However she has created some excitement and that should help.

She has announced a topical pleaser. $25,000 to first time house buyers to help them save a deposit. The US also has problems in this area, not just us.

Also one that Trump also calls for. An end to tax on tips. Neither are really clear about what this means in practice but it's popular with many,
The simple answer is yes, the IRS treats tips as taxable income. If you earn tips, then you're responsible for paying income, Social Security, and Medicare tax on that tip money.
Short video here

One lady is concerned about the change. As tax is paid on her tips they alter her pension rights. No tax at all - how would the know what she earned? It seems often done electronically in the US but cash can also figure,
because giving in to one will see the rest of the public sector thinking - striking is good
and as for settling the drivers dispute, well that just lasted 24 hours, more walkouts already announced.
We desperately need driverless trains

Labour will destroy britain with its long term socialist dream of a world without borders, the flood gates to mass inward migration will be very slowly raised in the next 5 years
And kamala will try to do the same if she gets elected, I don't care that much for Trump, but for americas sake he has to win

I despair at out last government, they were just awful, everything about them. So awful people couldn't bring themselves to vote for them - and now we have something far far worse - this is the beginning of the end of the UK
Why do we 'desperately need' driverless trains?

Just because tech offers 'solutions' to things doesn't always mean we need to use them.

Labour will destroy Britain? What do you think the Tories have broadly been doing for the past decade+?
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