Can Kamala Harris win?

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Why do we 'desperately need' driverless trains?

Just because tech offers 'solutions' to things doesn't always mean we need to use them.

Labour will destroy Britain? What do you think the Tories have broadly been doing for the past decade+?

Who is in charge, takes control in an emergency situation. The driverless ai bot ?
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Who is in charge, takes control in an emergency situation. The driverless ai bot ?
Controllers in a remote central office. They'd also be the ones responsible for making sure there's noone trapped in the doors or between the rain and the platform.

All of that is pretty straightforward if you designed the trains, station and infrastructure to support it. Which isn't true for many of our older stations and tube lines. Retrofitting that stuff is very hard.

The DLR is driverless and pretty safe. Trying to do the same for the Northern line would be madness.
I see Trumps' controversial VP pick is the least liked in modern history. Meanwhile, Trump is already setting the tone in case he loses, by bleating 'cheating Democrats' etc, whenever he makes a speech.

im pretty certain you must know what your replying to and saying but the rest of us are left pondering when the fek the meds will kick in
I am sorry you can’t grasp something that is so simple,

Let me make it even simple for you:

Labour had to go to the IMF for a loan because of Tories failure.

I hope that helps.
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I am sorry you can’t grasp something that is so simple,

Let me make it even simple for you:

Labour had to go to the IMF for a loan because of Tories failure.

I hope that helps.
are you in some sort of time warp . or alterative reality ?
Oh dear Notch you maon about a 30 year old story then use one that is from 1972.

But on average Conservative governments run up deficits and Labour ones shrink them.

Labour had to go to the IMF for a loan because of Tories failure.
Talk about old news
The 1976 Debt Crisis This balance of payment issue coupled with citizens losing confidence in spending, would result in the UK borrowing 3.9 billion from the IMF. This was the largest loan from the IMF at the time, but only half of the loan would be taken out. The UK rebuilt their reserves and repaid the loan by 1979.
Actually the cabinet who did that regretted it as they lost a lot of economic control due to how the IMF work. This is why any gov would have misgivings about using them.

More recently
In 2023 the IMF had stated that it saw the UK's GDP contracting by 0.3% this coming year meaning that it would be the worst performing rich economy. In February 2023 the UK had an inflation rate of 10.4% which outweighed that of the European Union and United States. However, the IMF has declared that the UK is doing better and may no longer need IMF assistance. Their labor wages are lagging behind the inflation rate and could get worse in the future, but as for now they are on a trajectory towards growth.[6][7]

Great for the Tory. Not really, A lot is down to the BofE and also the nature of the inflation. Pay rises - depends how large they are. Also this is country wide not specific sectors.
I hope the arguers about presidents that post on here have registered to vote in the US,
Gasser doesn't want us to vote for Kamala. Shall we tell him where he is going wrong?
Shall we tell him where he is going wrong?
Thought I had but can't be sure.

Your crowd posts are interesting but hiring halls like that is expensive and Harris is talking to people in small states.. All the swings are.
BBC had a podcast on the US. National polling and Harris is doing pretty well but on the swings the results are still within the error margins but she has gained and rapidly.

Different questions are asked. Immigration - Trump better. Being too liberal - Harris looses out. The pollster pointed out that neither of these factors have to make a difference to Harris's votes as some will accept that due to other differences.

Trump discussed. He is used to being the centre of attention. Harris has upset that so he his having a bit of a strop which influences his side comments. The people who push out his propaganda are doing better but he does his own thing. One referred to Harris as a blind date - no idea what they will get. Attractive, rich and has amazing holidays thrown in.

Oh - not sure if and when this may come out - now there is only one old man around in the debate.
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