Not by anything that anyone would notice or care about.
Even assuming an excessive and unrealistic total of 3kW for a powerful 2.5kW resistive heater on all the time with lights and other devices taking another 500W continuously, that's only 5% of the capacity of a typical sized 60kWh EV battery for every hour that they are switched on. Stuck in a massive queue for 4 hours without moving - still only 20%.
In a more realistic and real world situation, a Tesla with heating and other items on in what they call 'camp mode' uses between 1% and 2% of the battery capacity per hour.
It's addressed by installing more charging facilities. Unsurprisingly that's why more are being installed all the time, and have been for many years.
5 years ago there were around 700 DC CCS connectors in the UK. Today there are over 6000.
True if there was only one charging point as there was 10 years ago.
This is more typical of newer motorway installations, this one is at Rugby Services and opened in April 2021.
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