EV are they worth it?

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Oh do give up .

Youve just been exposed as stupid with your, Youtube is more accurate than Bedfordshire fire service stuff.

If you dont want an EV, dont have 1, but dont spread BS, it helps nobody
If you dont want an EV, dont have 1,

In fairness I think that's the crux of the problem, ie being forced to have one. Speaking for myself, if there wasn't any politician mandating that I must have one (not forgetting they will force this by making ICE ownership increasingly more difficult and expensive) I wouldn't care about these battery contraptions. It's the lack of choice and being forced into untried and under/un developed technology that grates.

By continually banging home the obvious and many pitfalls of EV ownership, the hope is that someone will start taking some notice and stop the mad headlong rush into forcing unsuitable vehicles on the masses. Hopefully wiser people will wake up - bit like an emperor's clothes type situation. Because, face facts, if lots more people, especially those with no home charging facilities bought EVs, it would be chaos with the patchy charging infrastructure we have.

Almost like communist state control where you will have a Lada or Trabant - no matter how ridiculous the form of transport is. Just think yourself lucky.
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Once it looks likely to get to that stage then you might have a point

I don't think anybody has ever even mooted the idea of no ice cars

If you don't want 1 don't have 1. But please don't tell me you agree wit nutjob saying youtube is more accurate than Bedfordshire fire service
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I don't think anybody has ever even mooted the idea of no ice cars

If you don't want 1 don't have 1. But please don't tell me you agree wit nutjob saying youtube is more accurate than Bedfordshire fire service

No ICEs for normal day to day driving will come about before too long. It has to as ICE sales/manufacture is being phased out to 2035. Eventually ICEs will become just a niche ownership thing, like getting your MGBGT out on the drive for a polish on a Sunday morning before giving it a spin out to a country pub.

If you think I was telling you to agree with Nutjob's view on one single video, then you have completely missed the point of my post. His, and mine, disgruntlement (is that a word?) comes about by being compelled to eventually own an EV. Hopefully banging home the message of how unsuitable they are for many people will change things. Probably not, though.
No ICEs for normal day to day driving will come about before too long. It has to as ICE sales/manufacture is being phased out to 2035. Eventually ICEs will become just a niche ownership thing, like getting your MGBGT out on the drive for a polish on a Sunday morning before giving it a spin out to a country pub.

If you think I was telling you to agree with Nutjob's view on one single video, then you have completely missed the point of my post. His, and mine, disgruntlement (is that a word?) comes about by being compelled to eventually own an EV. Hopefulyy banging home the message of how unsuitable they are for many people will change things.
Just think how those that used to use horses felt.

I think it's safe to say, in 20 years time, transport types and needs will be different to current
Am not. Am releasing public info. If you don't like this or that talking head, search for others. I merely providing a lead.

The EV fanbois are suffering denial. A better approach is to provide counter-evidence. It's not impossible for talking heads to get things wrong from time to time. But, they are just messengers, like I am.

We've been providing counter-evidence every since you started your ridiculous campaign! You just choose to ignore it! Our evidence tends to come from independent studies, academia, government statistics and other credible sources. Yours comes exclusively from hearsay and conspiracy theorists! :ROFLMAO:
More convincing if your story is that they ran over the babies because the babies couldn't hear them coming.

I'll leave that to some of our preferred inline purveyors of BS. I could say something about the AVAS regulations that EVs have to comply with. I could even provide a link to the actual regulations themselves (they're all in the public domain), but you would of course, just ignore it, because it doesn't suit your agenda...
"no stinky fuelling stops"

Can i just say i don't mind the smell of petrol.
Quite like it, in fact.

Is that weird? :cautious:

I do too. I also like the smell of pipe tobacco (before you put a match to it)!
Unrelated to EV factory burning down.

Even if you had everything you claim, to my eyes they are not worth the risk of burning the house down. The insurance won't pay or pay so little that it will ruin your life.

You see... It's not so much the BS videos and you not being into EVs that I can't stand, it's more the out-and-out lies that **** me off...

I personally hate being obliged to do things. So being forced to plug-in, switch-on, and check app would really **** me off. The use and done ICE is much more suitable for my preference of free-form living, ie, do things when feel like.

Good job you're not "forced" to drive to a special place and plug a pipe in the side of your ICE to refuel it then, I guess? :ROFLMAO:
Antifreeze/coolant neither smells or tastes nice. Found this out when sucking on a hose to get a vacuum going and got a mouth full. It was also quite hot. o_O

I think they add Bitrex or something nasty. ethylene glycol is supposed to have quite a nice, sweet taste?
They must be stressed all the time due to constant range anxiety and having to make colossal monthly payments on their battery contraptions that look like they were designed by primary school children. Then take it out on ICE owners.

The EV drivers on here, seem perfectly comfortable with their choices. I think you forget that they've all been ICE drivers - some of them for many years. If anything, it's the frightened old libertarians with no direct experience of EVs who are fighting a desperate rearguard action because they're scared mummy's going to take their toys away!

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