EV are they worth it?

You'll soon be sucked into "green" (planet destroying) black hole like the rest of us.
You will be forced to lease an electric box and swap it every 2-3 years because you, like 90% of other people, will not be able to afford buying.
So we'll all be in debts for the rest of our life and will have nothing to show for it.
Apparently this is very good for the environment.
(It is not, but it makes the 1% a ton of money every second)
It doesn't HAVE to be like that. We need to stand together, like the cast of Grange Hill, and ''Just say NO!' lol
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In fairness I think that's the crux of the problem, ie being forced to have one. Speaking for myself, if there wasn't any politician mandating that I must have one (not forgetting they will force this by making ICE ownership increasingly more difficult and expensive) I wouldn't care about these battery contraptions. It's the lack of choice and being forced into untried and under/un developed technology that grates.

Regardless what the politicians do, there is a finite supply of oil, and it will run out anyway, whether you like it or not. Obviously, this won't happen in *your* lifetime, so you don't care. Yet the ironic thing, is that people who think like you, will want to stick in their ICEs right up until this does happen and then they'll be the very first to be screaming that "the politicians" should have seen this coming and done something about it! Meanwhile, we keep lining the pockets of various oppressive regimes who want to see us dead, we keep stuffing CO2 into the atmosphere, (whilst all the time, moaning about the floods and wildfires, and people in rubber dinghies escaping countries whose climates now cause regular crop failures), we keep shoving our particulates and NOx into the atmosphere (whilst complaining about NHS waiting lists and lack of resource)... :rolleyes:

By continually banging home the obvious and many pitfalls of EV ownership, the hope is that someone will start taking some notice and stop the mad headlong rush into forcing unsuitable vehicles on the masses. Hopefully wiser people will wake up - bit like an emperor's clothes type situation. Because, face facts, if lots more people, especially those with no home charging facilities bought EVs, it would be chaos with the patchy charging infrastructure we have.

Not really. By banging home the real pitfalls of EV ownership (and there are some), you just tell everyone what they already know, but come across as being ill-informed and biased because you refuse to also "bang home" the equally real pitfalls of ICE ownership. However, by "banging home" the imaginary pitfalls of EV ownership, (and in this field, Nutjob is peerless), you just make yourselves look foolish...

Almost like communist state control where you will have a Lada or Trabant - no matter how ridiculous the form of transport is. Just think yourself lucky.

Of course, it isn't communist at all:rolleyes: Tell me... which ICE Ferrari will you be driving home tonight?
No ICEs for normal day to day driving will come about before too long. It has to as ICE sales/manufacture is being phased out to 2035. Eventually ICEs will become just a niche ownership thing, like getting your MGBGT out on the drive for a polish on a Sunday morning before giving it a spin out to a country pub.

If you think I was telling you to agree with Nutjob's view on one single video, then you have completely missed the point of my post. His, and mine, disgruntlement (is that a word?) comes about by being compelled to eventually own an EV. Hopefully banging home the message of how unsuitable they are for many people will change things. Probably not, though.

At least you're honest enough to admit that basically, this is about not liking being told what to do. It's just basic sulky, pouty, stampy-footed, petulant libertarianism. They did the same when the Clean Air Act came in, and again when the smoking ban came in...
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It doesn't HAVE to be like that. We need to stand together, like the cast of Grange Hill, and ''Just say NO!' lol

You just don't have to buy or lease an EV

It really is that simple, no effort involved, at all.

You just don't have to buy or lease an EV

It really is that simple, no effort involved, at all.

Yeah, but come on! Where's the fun in that?! These guys see themselves as freedom fighters, standing up for the "rights" of the individual - (well, the ones who want to drive ICE, at any rate), pushing back against the oppressive fascist State!

Hello from Ruralsville! Literally, everyone who owns an EV in our neck of the woods... and hills... and mud, snow and occasional flash-floods... also owns a petrol or diesel 'backup' car, which they always seem to choose to use during the winter months. The fact is that owning an EV, and also [secretly] owning a combustion-engined vehicle, enables one to both virtue signal and get home safely at the same time! Ideal! I think.
Two thoughts:

-Pretty much any current TV programmes, newspaper articles etc about EV's are full of different kinds of nonsense, and best seen as low quality psychedelic entertainment with little relationship with reality
-If you want to know more about EV's - it's really worth looking at an EV forum - I'd recommend SpeakEV
But we prefer psychedelia! Lol
Yet the ironic thing, is that people who think like you, will want to stick in their ICEs right up until this does happen and then they'll be the very first to be screaming that "the politicians" should have seen this coming and done something about it!

So true.
At least you're honest enough to admit that basically, this is about not liking being told what to do. It's just basic sulky, pouty, stampy-footed, petulant libertarianism. They did the same when the Clean Air Act came in, and again when the smoking ban came in...

He and Nutty can crack on, for me, and recruit as many other lackwits as they like too.

By doing so, they'll continue to make my life cheaper (y)

Much cheaper :)
I ain't virtue signalling.

I'm lining my pockets every month.
In silent, every-driver-aid-going, warp-speed-capable, comfort (y)
For clarity's sake, I was suggesting that if you run both an EV AND a PDV simultaneously, then it might be perceived as signalling your commitment to 'net zero' without actually... well, committing to it.
I'm assuming that you only run an EV, which is fine, of course. :)
Hello from Ruralsville! Literally, everyone who owns an EV in our neck of the woods... and hills... and mud, snow and occasional flash-floods... also owns a petrol or diesel 'backup' car, which they always seem to choose to use during the winter months. The fact is that owning an EV, and also [secretly] owning a combustion-engined vehicle, enables one to both virtue signal and get home safely at the same time! Ideal! I think.

I live in the North West corner of Cumbria, if that's rural enough for you? I have an EV and an ICE, but the ICE is 35 yeas old, and laid up over the winter, so I don't suppose that counts? Given that the EV is about three-and-a-half hundred horsepower and drives the rear wheels only (and is on "summer" tyres), I was a bit nervous in the first winter that I had it. However, I was surprised at how incredibly well it puts its power down. Some of that is weight, of course, but most of it is down to the way the ESC and traction control can modulate the power output of the electric motor. Unlike an ICE where you have to ****** the ignition, drop the boost and / or close the throttle, then wait for the power to drop off an the flywheel inertia to be expended, the ESC and TC can just drop the output of the electric motor incredibly fast, and precisely. Effectively, they can do it before traction is completely lost, because it happens fast enough to sense the wheel going a relatively small percentage faster than the others. Of course, twin motor all-wheel-drive EVs are even better. Try it sometime. I was genuinely surprised!

And, of course, no matter how many cars I have, I can only drive them one at a time. Every mile I do in an EV, is a mile I don't do in an ICE. 20,000 miles a year in the EV, maybe 2-3000 in the ICE. I'm content with that...
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