EV are they worth it?

So, it catches fire. The traditional milk float batteries are better. I never heard them catching fire.

Here's EV burning down neighbour's house, as well as the owner's house. You might ask so what? My answer would be: so I am glade my next door's have no EV. When I go grocery shopping, I avoid parking next to EV's. I don't need the hassle if anything goes wrong.

Oooo! Another!

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So, it catches fire. The traditional milk float batteries are better. I never heard them catching fire.

Here's EV burning down neighbour's house, as well as the owner's house. You might ask so what? My answer would be: so I am glade my next door's have no EV. When I go grocery shopping, I avoid parking next to EV's. I don't need the hassle if anything goes wrong.

Well fancy that?! Seems ICE cars can burn homes down too! Who knew...?! :rolleyes:

So, it catches fire. The traditional milk float batteries are better. I never heard them catching fire.

Here's EV burning down neighbour's house, as well as the owner's house. You might ask so what? My answer would be: so I am glade my next door's have no EV. When I go grocery shopping, I avoid parking next to EV's. I don't need the hassle if anything goes wrong.

Seems there's a lot of it about...;)

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Currently in the UK after driving 500 miles and ferry on a 50kwh battery.

The tech is fine.

However, the infrastructure needs to catch up.

I don't think it fantastic but it's also not a show stopper for the occasion long journey.

The EV is an absolute fantastic car for long journeys though.


Thursday I went from Cumbria to Glasgow and back in one. Saturday I went from Cumbria to Leicester and back in one. Today I've been from Cumbria to Liverpool and back in one...

Charged a few times. Didn't queue at any point.

But what's real, lived experience compared to hysterical YouTube videos, eh?!;)

Bloody lucky the house was still standing when we got home though. I'd put my (lithium ion) shaver on to charge this morning and forgot about it...

...I can see NutJob breaking out in a cold sweat already!:ROFLMAO:
I am sure e-bike fires are rare, never heard of even one, but if the fear of them means they are banned from trains.

I have only needed to rewire one vehicle due to it catching fire, it was caught early, as it was the fire engine we had on the Falklands, that does not make fire engines dangerous.
I am sure e-bike fires are rare, never heard of even one, but if the fear of them means they are banned from trains.

I have only needed to rewire one vehicle due to it catching fire, it was caught early, as it was the fire engine we had on the Falklands, that does not make fire engines dangerous.

Quite so. Road vehicles are pretty large and heavy things, that need a lot of energy to push them round. Regardless of where that energy comes from, there will be particular hazards associated with its handling and management. We have become accustomed to the hazards associated with petrol and diesel, over the last 100 years or so, and are blase about it - complacent, even. I expect the same will be true of EVs, in time, but that penny might take longer to drop with some people than others... ;)
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