EV are they worth it?

Fictitious? I know I've mentioned this before, but just to reiterate; I'm not comfortable with the casting of aspersions. This forum is better than that, isn't it?

Yes: fictitious.
I'm not claiming all counters are bullshit, but some are made up, to support a position.

I'm posting from my own lived experience, but some on here are naysaying based on conspiracy clowns from YT.

Veracity is mostly one-sided, in this thread.
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I think I'd be more inclined to keep my old truck and buy a very robust electric bicycle for fair weather use. Traditional bicycles are only used by the fighting fit up our way. Getting into town is all downhill, and as such, it's a freewheeling delight! But the journey back home with a fully laden rucksack is... well, you may as well pre-book the ambulance before setting off. Lol
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Yes: fictitious.
I'm not claiming all counters are bullshit, but some are made up, to support a position.

I'm posting from my own lived experience, but some on here are naysaying based on conspiracy clowns from YT.

Veracity is mostly one-sided, in this thread.
So we just keep our vibe high and stay on track. That's what I do at family gatherings. Lol
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EVs are not suitable for everyone.
Which is not the same as "EVs are not suitable for anyone".
The stats - for how far people drive, how often, at what times, and where they live - support EVs being the most sensible and practical transport mode for a lot of people though.
I'm one of those for whom an EV would make perfect sense - I hardly ever do long journeys in a day. In fact I really can't remember the last time I would not have been able to finish my day's driving without refuelling if I'd begun the day with a full tank. Which of course is the equivalence if you charge an EV at home.

But for now I'm happy with my petrol vehicle. I do a low mileage, so I'm not desperately worried about GHG emissions, and there are no diseasel particulates. In fact I wonder, given my low mileage, how long it would take to break-even on all the embedded emissions from producing a new EV.

Plus, were I to swap, there's no way that my car (sub-100K miles Merc) would get scrapped (or at least I hope it wouldn't), so it would almost certainly end up being driven further than I do, which tips the break-even point further.

Maybe the govt should be subsidising low-mileage drivers to take on the ownership of ICEVs... :LOL:

And, I could listen to James May for hours on end (y)

And all done without music, hyperbole, gurning....

Same with Harry's Garage, and another YT channel I can recommend is Tyrell's Classic Workshop. (Although sadly he does seem to have now taken up gurning on his thumbnails).
It's like only having 1 ice car. Do you have a small 1 for most day to day journeys and easy parking. Or a van because you occasionally need to move big bulky items, or a big comfortable family car to go on holiday with lots of luggage.

There is no perfect answer, but you choose on what suits best for most of the time
I've sometimes thought that one of these:


turned into a 4-door 4/5 seater, with the back made into a pickup bed would be a nice versatile vehicle.
I'm sure people have transported coffins in pick-ups, but I did mean a pick-up conversion, not an estate car.
Joking aside, I've owned many different vehicles over the years and I've found my old Ranger Supercab to be the most practical, by far... for me and my family. I know that the Ranger is a much-maligned vehicle, but that's largely because the wrong kind of people buy them. What do I mean by that? Well, if you like driving fast, you'll hate the way it handles and the mpg will be horrible, but if you're happy to tick along at 30mph on the county roads, the torque is so good that you rarely need to go above 2000rpm, which means you get a pretty good return.
It's funny how we get so attached to the vehicles that serve us well, and in some cases of course, they actually save our lives!
If I were a city slicker, I'd ditch the car and hire one when necessary, but I'm a country boy.
I've sometimes thought that one of these:


turned into a 4-door 4/5 seater, with the back made into a pickup bed would be a nice versatile vehicle.
I can't tell if you're serious. Lol
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