In fairness I think that's the crux of the problem, ie being forced to have one. Speaking for myself, if there wasn't any politician mandating that I must have one (not forgetting they will force this by making ICE ownership increasingly more difficult and expensive) I wouldn't care about these battery contraptions. It's the lack of choice and being forced into untried and under/un developed technology that grates.
By continually banging home the obvious and many pitfalls of EV ownership, the hope is that someone will start taking some notice and stop the mad headlong rush into forcing unsuitable vehicles on the masses. Hopefully wiser people will wake up - bit like an emperor's clothes type situation. Because, face facts, if lots more people, especially those with no home charging facilities bought EVs, it would be chaos with the patchy charging infrastructure we have.
Almost like communist state control where you will have a Lada or Trabant - no matter how ridiculous the form of transport is. Just think yourself lucky.