...Foot washes up on beach

They've just announced that whoever's foot it was definitely had dandruff, as they've found his head and shoulders on the beach.
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On the high ground, presumably. Head & shoulders above the rest...
They've just announced that whoever's foot it was definitely had dandruff, as they've found his head and shoulders on the beach.
Sounds like he died from foot and mouth disease then. :eek:
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He didn't toe the party line, so he was nailed for it. that was always going to be his Achilles heel, make no bones about it.
I think it's about time this thread was kicked into touch.
Its ok the mystery is solved, they were chucked overboard when the weight of them took it passed the plimsoll line
there's an argument going on about whose going to dispose of them and who foots the bill.
The council has just announced a ban on playing "footie" on the beach
Maybe it's the man from ANKLE. Being a foot shorter is he Mr So-Low?
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