France. Why do you think this is happening?

Even Farage has realised he has to get rid of the extremists attaching themselves to his Ltd. Company/party. If it quacks like a Fascist, it probably is a Fascist.
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Even Farage has realised he has to get rid of the extremists attaching themselves to his Ltd. Company/party. If it quacks like a Fascist, it probably is a Fascist.
He won't succeed in this, of the available political parties in the UK, Reform is the natural home for them.
He won't succeed in this, of the available political parties in the UK, Reform is the natural home for them.
But reform voters in here, all trip over themselves, insisting that they aren't racist, or right wing, extremists.

Now, what attracted them to Reform?
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But reform voters in here, all trip over themselves, insisting that they aren't racist, or right wing, extremists.

Now, what attracted them to Reform?
To be balanced, I think it's reasonable to assume not everyone who votes for Reform is an ist, however I'd assert it's the natural political home for anyone who is.

Which is why we need to be careful what we wish for. Do we really want Reform as a UK government? I know I don't. I think once in power, if coupled with a decent majority, we'd see their true colours ;)
To be balanced, I think it's reasonable to assume not everyone who votes for Reform is an ist, however I'd assert it's the natural political home for anyone who is.

Which is why we need to be careful what we wish for. Do we really want Reform as a UK government? I know I don't. I think once in power, if coupled with a decent majority, we'd see their true colours ;)
I agree, not all might be, but there's very little else reform stands for.

And then try and lecture others for pointing it out.
Le Pen's party was founded by her farther a rather racist bloke. She's sort of steered the party away from that but it's still there. Even problems with some candidates just as Farage has found, 2/3 of the French don't want a racist party in power so candidates drop out from various parties leaving just one to contest Le Pen. The voting pie chart wasn't on long enough and I think not official yet but there may be signs of Le Pen voters thinking what have they done and switched as a result. Protest votes can have unfortunate results.

Her drive seems to be mostly immigration. A lady in her 50's interviewed and says there are all of these lovely French town and cities and they are no longer French. Not sure if they blame all of the country's problems on immigration as Farage's lot have tried. He dropped a number of things like that when he stepped in but good old immigration still figures. This according to him was what our election was about. Some say Farage's ideas make sense. Well they do but in practice things like this are only part of the problem. Other factors need fixing some how or the other and removing immigration completely causes other problems. Tory seem to have allowed visa types to reach unacceptable levels so they have introduced controls. They may find it reduces them too much so leave the option of voting levels each year and for each style of visa.

Right+ gets a mention but better to think popularism. A country has various problems so pick something that may be part of that and blow up it's importance. Trump's at it. Farage and Le Pen and others as well. Fact is most of the west is ailing one way or another so the populations are unhappy. They have had the banking crisis, covid and along comes Ukraine = inflation. Actually covid caused some of that due to supply shortage problems some of it pretty spectacular.
I don’t think so. Why do YOU think they are suddenly getting the support they are getting?
I'm guessing the French gammons are fed the same anti foreigner, shock headlines, they always have, just like our dribbling Wail readers.
The far left have triumphed in France (Labour in the UK) and you read it as some kind of far right tide turn?

FFS, lol. :rolleyes:
Ok it's hindsight, however much of this could have been avoided if the so-called open door policy never happened. But it did. There again, perhaps said policy brought about some benefits to various countries. The same holds true for the UK in more recent times. If the now ex government had thrown money at a decent strategy for issues such as the small boat people (e.g. an effective and efficient processing policy, not housing people in hotels etc) much of the growing frustration could have been avoided.

And I stand by my assertion if we could have removed all migrants overnight years ago, we'd still have issues today with waiting lists, housing etc.
Oh the irony, i find it fascinating the supposedly 'tolerant' show such vitriol and intolerance to another political group.

That's an interesting philosophical point. Should the intolerant be tolerated? Should racists and fascists be permitted to march unhindered? Should a totalitarian dictator be able to seize the democratic government and dismantle democracy? Should we have stood aside when Hitler made his bid for domination of Europe?
The far left in France still have a problem. Not one party and they have problems agreeing with each other. Macron's concerns are growing debt problems etc so just like here retirement age gets increased and other aspects kick in. Increasing retirement age means that people remain productive for longer. While ~87% of our pensioner are likely to be paying tax on their state pensions that doesn't figure in the argument - they aren't producing anything just consuming. Staging the retirement age changes may also reduces the rate the bills kicks in.

The far left can cause Truss type problems which is why we are not being offered one.
That's an interesting philosophical point. Should the intolerant be tolerated? Should racists and fascists be permitted to march unhindered? Should a totalitarian dictator be able to seize the democratic government and dismantle democracy? Should we have stood aside when Hitler made his bid for domination of Europe?

No you're missing the point JohnD the point being most of us are mainstream off center we are not all xenophobic Nazis Socialists or Communists. Stop listening to the press whipping up this hysteria for their/your own agendas.
Do you mean the Windrush generation?
I'm not referring to any single generation and/or group of people. I suppose I've rather lazily used the term 'open door policy' to reflect Europe not having a tighter grip on migration that's not via approved routes.
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