Get ready for the rises.

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All Labour have to do is what they said for the votes.

It can’t be that hard.

We're talking politicians here. To be fair, Tories managed to win several elections and wing it for 14 years by breaking their election 'promises', eg. lowering immigration to tens of thousands, lowering taxes, sorting social care (now cancelled by Labour - there we go, Labour picking the pockets of the old and sick again. What do they have against ununionised elderly people??). Politicians = traitors.
In and of itself, tax rises aren't necessarily a bad thing if we see tangible sustained improvements. However you wonder what percentage of the increased tax take would go on additional bureaucracy and waste.
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I'm saying they pledged not to. Who knows what they decide when the true state of our finances are revealed.
and at your age you are still gullibly believing politicians tut tut
Go ahead, please. If you know me, you’ll know I won’t turn anything down. Furlough payments, Government handouts, local government handouts, money for nothing. I'll never look a gift horse in the mouth - hand out, grab it and straight in the back pocket to be spent on fripparies. You’d be mad not to!
Failing to comply with laws in other countries. :rolleyes:

The really stupid part was, it would have cost a couple of hundred Euros to comply, and he probably would have saved that much in a couple years on his insurance and Spanish equivalent of an MOT.
He preferred to issue fraudulent MOT cert's and use UK insurance, despite both making his UK insurance invalid, than to comply with the Spanish laws. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: But it's no laughing matter. If he'd been involved in an accident, even if it was no fault of his, he'd be in serious trouble.
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Please note. The pensioner population of The UK doesn't just consist of two multi-millionaire rock stars. :idea::idea:

I'm guesssing you may be one of them, due to your obvious mental confusion. :LOL:
But I'm guessing an awful lot of them are called Mick or Elton. :ROFLMAO:
and at your age you are still gullibly believing politicians tut tut
Fact is budget leaks would be rather unusual so no clues at all about what they will change until it's released. The only clue is what taxes they say they wont increase.

The IFS can sometimes look at things and detect a surplus so forecast a tax cut. They can not forecast what will be done when there is a deficit because it depends on what gets fixes The changes come when the budget is released.

OBR - much the same and a new fiscal plan gets worked out when the budget is released - ;) Actually it will have had one done.

Energy prices. Market forces. One due soon, Another expected early next year when demand peaks. Maybe just maybe the budget may include some changes on how this is handled. The current cut is down to the only quick way to change it. Some are suggesting a partial U turn. That would take time.
So we're supposed to know when you are making a comical comment, which happens to be added to a serious post with no indication whatsoever that it was meant to be comical?
I can see where you have trouble - it required a jot of intelligence.
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