Get ready for the rises.

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Clearly not. The rest is factual, troll. Reported
So we're supposed to know when you are making a comical comment, which happens to be added to a serious post with no indication whatsoever that it was meant to be comical? :rolleyes:
We're not psychic, even if some believe us to be so. :rolleyes:

It looks like a comment you hoped would pass as genuine, but you've been exposed, So now you're claiming it was a joke. :rolleyes:
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Cathy Newman had a potential Tory leader on last night. She was near laughing at him. Her particular way of you can't be serious. One was his chances - he said the odds on Cameron were blah, I think 25 to 1 and he got the position. Then came the pay rises and talk of 2%. More laughter. He then came out with a number of financial aspects. Usual problem he can say what ever he likes. More factors make it harder to check.

One sounded like money raised from a Tory faithful pleaser. 16hrs of work has become a lifestyle so make it 18. Not sure if this is in law or not. Surely people can see that there is a bit of a problem with this. If a company is geared up for 16hr worker(s) why on earth would they want to add an extra 2hrs. It could actually result in job losses.
no deflection whatsoever he never discussed it with me so how would i know , but if its the big issue why was it not the first policy that labour reversed instead of the two policies against pensioners instead of one that could benefit them ?
"He never discussed it with me"

Truly pathetic strawman

Conservatives used NI cut as a trap, Of Labour had said they would reverse as a manifesto pledge they would've got slaughtered by the r/w media.

So they had to promise to keep, so they can't now reverse it.

Tories salted the earth before they left, you voted for them, this on you.
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So you agree that Labour lied about raising taxes

And yes I do stand by the fact the IFS stated the real position about the finances because I trust them, well ahead of all politicians
Is that the IFS that pointed out Tories had put £80b of tax rises in place.....and yet here you are moaning about Labout tax rises

You are a tribal Tory
Cathy Newman had a potential Tory leader on last night. She was near laughing at him. Her particular way of you can't be serious. One was his chances - he said the odds on Cameron were blah, I think 25 to 1 and he got the position. Then came the pay rises and talk of 2%. More laughter. He then came out with a number of financial aspects. Usual problem he can say what ever he likes. More factors make it harder to check.

One sounded like money raised from a Tory faithful pleaser. 16hrs of work has become a lifestyle so make it 18. Not sure if this is in law or not. Surely people can see that there is a bit of a problem with this. If a company is geared up for 16hr worker(s) why on earth would they want to add an extra 2hrs. It could actually result in job losses.
This is where I find politics a bit surreal.

To use an analogy, it's like a house builder who hasn't been very good at building houses losing their contract after 14 years. A different house builder gets the new contract and only a few months in, the original house builder (who wasn't good at building houses) is already setting out their stall saying 'here's why we're better than the new lot.'

I get that's the game, however I do find it surreal in some ways.
Liz Truss considered cutting cancer care on the NHS in a desperate bid to find savings to pay for the tax cuts in her botched “mini budget”, according to a new book about her time in office. 'Truss at 10: How Not to Be Prime Minister'* by the renowned political biographer Anthony Seldon, is a 330-page long, largely excoriating account of Truss’s 45 days in Downing Street.

The book reports that, as Truss’s mini budget unravelled around her, her policy director Jamie Hope and economic adviser Shabbir Merali huddled in Downing Street and discussed how the cuts she was contemplating could not be delivered. The book says: At that point, they were joined by fellow special adviser Alex Boyd, who was told that Truss and Kwarteng were thinking they could still sort out the black hole with severe cuts. “We’ve been told that they’re looking at stopping cancer treatment on the NHS,” they told him. “Is she being serious?” Boyd asked. “She’s lost the plot,” they replied. “She’s shouting at everyone – at us and officials that we’ve ‘got to find the money!’ When we tell her it can’t be done, she shouts back, ‘It’s not true. The money is there. You go and find it.’”

That's Tory ideals in plain sight: lower taxes for the rich, cut care for the poor. Thank f. they were voted out in time to stop their madness.

*extracts from the book reveal Sheldon doesn't even make Truss the worst PM of the lot - that honour falls to de Piffling one, who was feckless, reckless and dangerous for the country to know.
Shall we have a whipround for you, Mottie?
Is that what is bothering you?
Go ahead, please. If you know me, you’ll know I won’t turn anything down. Furlough payments, Government handouts, local government handouts, money for nothing. I'll never look a gift horse in the mouth - hand out, grab it and straight in the back pocket to be spent on fripparies. You’d be mad not to!
I suspect Starmers tough decisions relate to improving various services. A priority is needed as there is simply too little money around to fix the lot and some in any case can not happen that quickly. He does have an idea on hospitals but there may be some cost increases as it may involve more hours worked. A few are already working in the way he wants.

Not much mention of another factor kicking about. GP's working to rule. 2 factors involved - what the get per patient and also GP's who are out of work. More hours needs more money and GP's so they are working to the rules as laid out rather than coping.

Starmer is in Germany talking to Sholz. Not much detail on what it's about but a previous visit before the election came back as Sholz is prepared to help. Some sort of relationship reset. A style of freedom of movement for the under 30's seems to have been ruled out. A problem here was the type of job most EU citizens finished up in when working here. Very low paid ones.
"He never discussed it with me"

Truly pathetic strawman

Conservatives used NI cut as a trap, Of Labour had said they would reverse as a manifesto pledge they would've got slaughtered by the r/w media.

So they had to promise to keep, so they can't now reverse it.

Tories salted the earth before they left, you voted for them, this on you.
They never mentioned shafting pensioners either but chose it as their first policy so why did they not raise NI as their first policy which a lot of people are in favour of surely it would raise far more money and be more beneficial to the country and this black hole
Because it was a manifesto pledge not to.
so are you saying that they wont raise NI then ?
They also had this in their manifesto .

"We will support pensioners and give them the dignity and security they deserve in retirement. "
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