Good old Coutts

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Most people donate to the RNLI because they offer rescue of sea fearers who due to misfortune have run into difficult

People shouldn't donate to lying devious con artists then. Pretending they are rescuing people and responding to emergency calls is wrong.
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It's their statement.
"Sadly we know there have been incidents in the Channel which have resulted in deaths, but without the brave actions of our crews, who are ready to answer their pagers day or night, 365 days a year, we can be certain there would have been more."

"Dungeness Coxswain Stuart Adams said: ‘I joined the RNLI for one reason and that’s to help people and save lives. Whatever the circumstances, whatever the nationality, it doesn’t matter to me, we are there to save lives and that’s what we do."

Lying scoundrels eh. They should listen to you and not respond.
People shouldn't donate to lying devious con artists then. Pretending they are rescuing people and responding to emergency calls is wrong.
If you look at their financial report, is shows:
1. the migrant taxi service area is by far, the largest activity ~1/3rd of all launches
2. they have a financial gap of around £11M p/a

I didn't say they shouldn't respond, I said it was valid to argue they are performing a taxi service. On the other hand other than saying the government need to fix it. I note that you offered no solution.
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 12.12.36.png
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- boat sets off in unsafe condition.
- French coastguard monitor and occasionally offer assistance, escorting them to the edge of French waters.
- Upon arrival safely in UK waters, they contact RNLI who arrive to taxi them back to the UK.
- They do this to avoid the skipper being identified.
- They do not want help from the French because they know that is a taxi back to France.
- they are happy to risk their lives while in French waters, but demand rescue once they have crossed.

Do the government know all this?
Why are they turning a blind eye?
Thats the French for you. Scoundrels.
If you look at their financial report, is shows:
1. the migrant taxi service area is by far, the largest activity ~1/3rd of all launches
I can't find the mention of taxi anywhere? You can do better than this.
Ah, our government are ignoring the situation because of "the French".
No, the French are ignoring the people in Calais with no official status and letting them get into inflatable rafts and risk their lives to get to England. Why would they do that? Would the U.K. let illegal foreign nationals enter on one side of our country, travel across country and pitch up in tents at Dover waiting to pay a smuggler to risk their lives to get to France? Be honest.
Be honest.
Why shouldn't they let people leave? Why should France favour the UK when immigrants can legally travel through their country to get elsewhere.

Why can't we deal with it rather than blame others? Why should it take years to decide on applications to remain, for one? Why are there no legal routes for these people? I thought Brexit meant we would have control of our borders?

I think the French are probably having a good laugh at the situation. And so they should.

It obviously doesn't have any easy answers, but the UK have had none at all for years now.
Why shouldn't they let people leave?
It’s not about the French favouring the U.K. It’s about them preventing tragedies like we have seen in the past. Again, would the U.K. allow it to happen?

I think the French are probably having a good laugh at the situation. And so they should.
People risking their lives? That’s pretty sick of them. Are you having a good laugh too?
If you look at their financial report, is shows:
1. the migrant taxi service area is by far, the largest activity ~1/3rd of all launches
2. they have a financial gap of around £11M p/a

I didn't say they shouldn't respond, I said it was valid to argue they are performing a taxi service. On the other hand other than saying the government need to fix it. I note that you offered no solution.View attachment 309905
Doesn't that show London is the busiest area? All these boats coming down the Thames now ?
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