I do not know why a dual RCD board is referred to as "High Integrity" ! OK it`s better than one front end RCD but far worse the all RCBOs, there was a time when cost played a part and RCBOs were very expensive but those days are gone.
During that time I did install a few - reason being price but I would make the RCDs (RCCBs) each carry some power and some lighting (split sensibly to mitigate lose both power and lighting from one area) then RCBO a few circuits such as cooker (even new ones could be a bit leaky) and central heating (frost protection reasons) and perhaps a dedicated fridge/freezer circuit and maybe electric shower. giving a bit of resilience perhaps.
Nowadays all RCBOs for me (the only drawback being cumulative leakage on an installation as a whole (which never concerned us back in the days of all rewireable fuses, cartridge fuses or MCBc anyway, once an installation had left our control after testing).
Although, I myself, Have two "Front End" RCDs (Normal Domestic and Off Peak Storage Heaters) for very many years it has never been a problem, until this week, raining in via the old kitchen outbuilding chimley *used to be a gas fire there years ago) .
We were away Mon to Fri in a foreign country (Flamborough Head nr Bridlington) and Thurs morning My mobile rang and texted , power cut, I knew what had happened, 25hrs later on Friday morning Phone and text again Intruder alarm activation, the intruder alarm batter had discharged enough to cause activation .
Next door texted me a few mins later and I thanked her and informed her it would shut off after 20 mins.
About 4pm we returned home as planned (I didn`t want to cut the holiday short for three groups of our family and I had calculated that the alarm would hold off past the we small hours ) so just as bit of a mop up when we got home, fridge and freezer OK , freezer food was still frozen quite solid, RCD reset OK .
Now where is that builder I asked to repair the leak a couple of weeks ago?
So, to those stating that a front end RCD can cause problems I say yes you are absolutely right, they can.
Do that mean they often do so? I say no not often, usually, just the odd trip now and again from a, usually known, source. Of course my RCDs are AC type, they are tested, with a meter, regularly. Just the odd trip from a steam iron being over filled, a faulty kettle once and a leak from under the bath once in about 40 years-ish, maybe a bit less.
Would I install these days without an RCD? No.
Would I install :-
A front end RCD? No. a dual RCD board? No. All RCBOs? Yes (Type A)