ICJ ruling orders Israel to....

Sorry, I have to stop now, because an Italian has just knocked on my door and told me he owns my house, because there was a Roman villa thirty miles away, two thousand years ago.

It is worse than I thought.

I found out that he is not an Italian, he has no Italian or Roman ancestry. He has never been to Italy and this is his first visit to Britain. He came here with the sole purpose of stealing a house. He lives in New York, and his family come from Belgium. However he married a woman with an Italian uncle, and he says that counts.

Can @fillyboy explain why he is entitled to seize my home at gunpoint, please.
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It is worse than I thought.

I found out that he is not an Italian, he has no Italian or Roman ancestry. He has never been to Italy and this is his first visit to Britain. He came here with the sole purpose of stealing a house. He lives in New York, and his family come from Belgium. However he married a woman with an Italian uncle, and he says that counts.

Can @fillyboy explain why he is entitled to seize my home at gunpoint, please.

He is not

But as he has a gun and you don’t (?) he will / can
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But @fillyboy would declare me to be a terrorist, and would say that I, my family, everybody in my village, and all the residents of my county, should be shot or bombed, and the survivors imprisoned for life behind forty-foot concrete walls manned by armed guards authorised to kill inmates at will.

As well as you, of course, for supporting me.
A question for @fillyboy and others if they like. In empire days were we doing the right things when we clamped down on uprisings etc that in some cases had aspects that could be viewed as atrocities?

;) Why would I ask that?
Just listened to the US submission to the Hague court. For once AlJ senior political person summarised it fairly well. He is very Arab.

Not so easy to follow as others. On what appeared to relate to the wall - Israel need it for protection. It sort of inferred this also applied to settlements. :Lets forget checkpoints, miscellaneous fences and items such as roads, He also said that Israel can't be asked to immediately withdraw from the occupied territories - security related. He also seemed to infer that a number of aspects are nothing to do with the court. A matter for the security council not them. It's a sort of bias argument, one sided against Israel when things actually get to negotiations. Sounds like negotiate with who ever the US thinks they should. Pundits are bound to outline this further. Listen to which ones you like but more and more disagree with the US approach. Israel have ignored the US view a number of times anyway.

It seems the Emarates knowing what the US would say headed it off to some extent by pointing out that their judgement would set the framework for eventual negotiations. Maybe some will point out that the US has a unique view within the security council.
Our lot are having a debate. Sticking point against a free vote, the term ceasefire against a pause. Bunch of jokers.
But @fillyboy would declare me to be a terrorist, and would say that I, my family, everybody in my village, and all the residents of my county, should be shot or bombed, and the survivors imprisoned for life behind forty-foot concrete walls manned by armed guards authorised to kill inmates at will.

As well as you, of course, for supporting me.

Well the way I see it all of these opinions / views need to be made in context

You may have a general point ?
Our lot are having a debate. Sticking point against a free vote, the term ceasefire against a pause. Bunch of jokers.

Many frank discussions go on behind the scenes ? That’s how governments / diplomacy works
You may have a general point ?
The speaker came to a decision to prevent political mayhem. All of the 3 bills will be voted on. Reason given safety of MP's due to their constituency's feeling. In other words some feel that they have to vote for a ceasefire irrespective of the party they are in - mostly Labour but it seems one Tory thought the same.

That is how it stood a few hours ago. The speaker finally decided that both the Gov's and Labours bill will be voted on. Ructions - supporting Labour. The SNP stinking fish - there bill wasn't all that different to Labours really. Even the Libs would probably vote for it but not for the Tory one, Then the Tory withdrew their bill. That seen as the main cause of the chaos plus some so called procedural aspects.

It seems none of this was binding. Just expressing the Gov's view hopefully by all parties. The main difference between the 2 was the wording pause rather than ceasefire however the gov's one needed hostages to be returned. All want that but HAMAS is in control. Labour and other approaches elsewhere - ceasefire and more talks. HAMAS has offered a ceasefire and hostage return deal. Main purpose of a ceasefire is to get aid in anyway. What's happened has.

The Tory one is similar to the US approach. It allows attacks to go on in areas other than Rafar but there are still some going on there. Aid still isn't getting in as it should do. There will be HAMAS people in Rafar - what about them. It seems Israel's destruction of them elsewhere is not going on as well as they hoped.

When this all gets out to the world - what do you feel they will think. Also expect a media feast and theories drawn from social media.
Is it really relevant or if any importance world wide ?? As to what political parties argue about in parliament over this caper ??

The UK has no clout over Israel

General election coming up ?? Most of those who vote when push comes to shove dont really give a stuff ???
Is it really relevant or if any importance world wide ?? As to what political parties argue about in parliament over this caper ??

The UK has no clout over Israel

General election coming up ?? Most of those who vote when push comes to shove dont really give a stuff ???

From what I saw on the. Beeb notifications earlier, they deserve standing up against a f+++ING wall.

"Uproar" against the Speaker, for "not following protocol"?
Sorry, but if protocol must be followed, the voting is somewhat pointless, the debating pointless........ they may as well have saved the heating and lighting.

Bunch of tnucs.
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