ICJ ruling orders Israel to....

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It seems the West Bank is seen by some Israeli as their ancestral home. Some of the ancient sites are theirs etc. May be one or several. One shown in a video clip.
It is also, of course, the ancestral home of the Palestinians, for longer.

Sorry, I have to stop now, because an Italian has just knocked on my door and told me he owns my house, because there was a Roman villa thirty miles away, two thousand years ago.
Any comments on their own staff invading Israel?
I didn't know that any judges or UN officials were involved in that. Do you have a link?

Your missing the point. The legal aspects have f all to do with that. Those concern the entire period Israel has existed but limited to when the UN got involved. Particular aspects apply to the West Bank. Some to the West Bank but not the uprising.

The prof I mentioned went on and talked about US and UK politics. It was interesting. Meaning in practice will depend on any eventual ruling. Those should be based purely on international law and have been before in similar situations and it seems have had successful outcomes.

Another prof now is outlining all of the submissions. He has insufficient time to list them so it outlining particulars and what the results should by international law. Even the ICC gets a mention.

The Palestinian UN rep is on now so suppose this part is reaching it's end. Poor old Hague judges have loads to go through.
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Over now. More submissions tomorrow. One will be Saudi. Seems I missed some of today's. There are 52 submissions so will take several days.
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It seems the UN general assembly have asked for an advisory ruling and it will take rather a long time to be delivered.
Seems they then have a vote and then comes the security council.

Maybe there will be more clarification eventually.
It seems the West Bank is seen by some Israeli as their ancestral home. Some of the ancient sites are theirs etc. May be one or several. One shown in a video clip.
That region of the world has been continously inhabited for around 10,000 years i believe.
Different civilisations have come and gone.
I guess there are millions of middle easterners who could claim some ancestral connection to the area if they really wanted to.
Jews originated from the Israelites and Hebrews of historical Israel and Judah, two related kingdoms that emerged in the Levant during the Iron Age.[1][2] Although the earliest mention of Israel is inscribed on the Merneptah Stele around 1213–1203 BCE, religious literature tells the story of Israelites going back at least as far as c. 1500 BCE. The Kingdom of Israel fell to the Neo-Assyrian Empire in around 720 BCE,[3] and the Kingdom of Judah to the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 586 BCE.[4] Part of the Judean population was exiled to Babylon. The Assyrian and Babylonian captivities are regarded as representing the start of the Jewish diaspora.
BCE - Before the Christian Era, CE would refer to our calendar.

The Land of Israel. The bible outlines it and mentions several tribes

No comment. Just interesting.
There have been itinerant people with caravans or on foot travelling around Britain and Europe for hundreds or thousands of years.

Can we agree they they, or their descendants, or anybody married to one, or feeling an affinity to them, has the right to seize any land or home within 300 miles of a place where one of them pitched, or might have pitched, camp at any time in the last five thousand years?

Do we agree that they also have the right to kill anyone, and the family and neighbours of anyone, who objects to being dispossessed?
It seems the UN general assembly have asked for an advisory ruling and it will take rather a long time to be delivered.
Seems they then have a vote and then comes the security council.

Maybe there will be more clarification eventually.
After the last hearing is held on February 26, the judges are expected to take several months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion. This is the second time the ICJ, upon a request from the UNGA, has been asked for an advisory opinion related to the occupied Palestinian territory. In July 2004, the World Court found that Israel’s separation wall in the occupied West Bank violated international law and should be torn down. The wall still stands to this day.

Al Jazeera.com

If you're following the proceedings that closely there's a list of countries having their say on a day-by-day chart that looks a lot like the group stages of a world cup.
If you're following the proceedings that closely there's a list of countries having their say on a day-by-day chart that looks a lot like the group stages of a world cup.

Jumpers for goalposts.
Jumpers for goalposts.
Sounds like there could be a lot of goals in this one not helped by a PM that is a very poor goal keeper. The rest of them seem to be pretty good at kicking and scoring in their own goal too.

A sort of summary. 2 gods of law point a lot of aspects out. If they don't understand them who does? The US just argue that permanent occupation aspects don't apply and by implication that there has been no wrong doings going on at all. They use their veto and have often used it.

The penalties for breaking these rules are pretty severe.
All this talk about who lived where thousands or hundreds of years ago ??

People need to deal with the here and now

Isreal ain’t going any where and have the upper hand

What some UN committee does or does not decide don’t amount to a bag of beans the only country that has any sway over Isreal is the US

Afa this caper is concerned the EU have no sway
And there opinions don’t amount to a bag of beans either

And the UK have no influence either so all them protestors should all go and do one and stop causing chaos on the streets

End of :cool:
Isreal ain’t going any where and have the upper hand
I don't think that the political side of the various groups other than some odd bods expect Israel to disappear. That end of things will want to negotiate that's when reality comes into play. It even sounds like the Taliban want to talk again.
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