ICJ ruling orders Israel to....

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Egypt won't have them for for fear of Sinai becoming another Yemen.
I'd suspect there are other reasons as well. Yemen

Saudi Arabia has a sizable Shia minority of roughly 10 percent, and millions of adherents of a puritanical brand of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism (an offshoot of the Sunni Hanbali school) that is antagonistic to Shia Islam.

That relates to why the USA would love to get Saudi to accept Israel as other Sunni areas would be likely to follow.

;) Mind you religion never figures does it.
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Mind you religion never figures does it.

A comedian called Emo summed it up well in a joke:

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.
Stewart Seldowitz sounds like the kinda guy F.Boy would get on with.
Given his career it's not hard to see why he could finish up with that sort of view. USA has relations with a number of countries that in western terms are not very good - human rights etc.
The United Nations’s highest court is set to open historic hearings into the legality of Israel’s 57-year occupation of the Palestinian territories. The week-long proceedings, which begin at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague [today], come as Israel continues its devastating war on Gaza.

They say Israel has violated the prohibition on territorial conquest by annexing large swathes of occupied land, violated Palestinians’ right to self-determination and imposed a system of racial discrimination and apartheid. “They’ve had to consider the word genocide in the South Africa case,” he said, referring to the separate case before the court. “Now we want them to consider apartheid.”

Al Jazeera.com

It looks like the lawyers and pedants will enjoy these proceedings: picking over the minutiae of the meaning of words and twisting them this way and that to construct their case - Brazilian President said it this weekend: Genocide. Simple enough, and a good way to annoy Netanyahoo. Fukkim.
He should be on trial next for crimes against humanity. I watched a prog. on the Armenian genocide, whch Turkey still refutes, but it's hard to not see their intent is similar. The big difference is Israel has spent the last 80 years on their pogrom.
It seems the West Bank is seen by some Israeli as their ancestral home. Some of the ancient sites are theirs etc. May be one or several. One shown in a video clip.
They say Israel has violated the prohibition on territorial conquest by annexing large swathes of occupied land,
AlJ is broadcasting the trial live. The argument is that West Bank permanent occupation is illegal. That is what the settlements indicate. 35 states have provided written statement only 2 disagree. USA and Fiji. France and Switzerland agree. Others not mentioned. The USA says the laws do not apply - seems to be 2 of them. One rights associated. The other that the settlements are permanent,

The legal man is mentioning US veto use. Interesting statement from Obama was mentioned. There diplomats having to defend Israel when their actions are illegal.

It's moved on to discrimination now. Plenty of mention of Israeli collective punishment approach.
They have a legal professor on now who is listing a lot of things that are illegal even based on previous judgements. Plus others.
AlJ is broadcasting the trial live. The argument is that West Bank permanent occupation is illegal. That is what the settlements indicate. 35 states have provided written statement only 2 disagree. USA and Fiji. France and Switzerland agree. Others not mentioned. The USA says the laws do not apply - seems to be 2 of them. One rights associated. The other that the settlements are permanent,

The legal man is mentioning US veto use. Interesting statement from Obama was mentioned. There diplomats having to defend Israel when their actions are illegal.

It's moved on to discrimination now. Plenty of mention of Israeli collective punishment approach.

And what does Russia have to say.
AlJ is broadcasting the trial live. The argument is that West Bank permanent occupation is illegal. That is what the settlements indicate. 35 states have provided written statement only 2 disagree. USA and Fiji. France and Switzerland agree. Others not mentioned. The USA says the laws do not apply - seems to be 2 of them. One rights associated. The other that the settlements are permanent,

The legal man is mentioning US veto use. Interesting statement from Obama was mentioned. There diplomats having to defend Israel when their actions are illegal.

It's moved on to discrimination now. Plenty of mention of Israeli collective punishment approach.

Any comments on their own staff invading Israel?
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