Inheritance tax ...

What. EXACTLY is wrong with a decent wage, for a decent weeks work?

It's been done before you know. It's not impossible

But feel free to avoid the question
Not everyone can earn a decent wage.

That's life.

Deal with it.

It's called reality.
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I agree with supporting those genuinely in need.

So what about the common situation I have described of a single parent, with no child support, working full time in a minimum wage job. Does that qualify under your criteria?
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So what about the common situation I have described of a single parent, with no child support, working full time on minimum wage job. Does that qualify under your criteria?
Is the father of the child contributing? If not why not?
Not everyone can earn a decent wage.

That's life.

Deal with it.

It's called reality.
It isnt a reality in other countries as it is here

are you saying British people shouldnt want to have a fairer society, despite it being available in other countries?

"The UK is a “poor country with a few rich people in it”, according to one of the world’s leading poverty experts – setting the UK up for failure ahead of the next pandemic.

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, author of several landmark Government reviews on poverty, told the launch of a new film on inequality during COVID – the Unequal Pandemic – that the crisis “exposed the underlying inequalities in society”.

“People said it will be the great leveller,” he said. “But that’s not what’s happened in the past… UK life expectancy was flat-lining before the pandemic.”

"If you are rich in the UK, you are almost as well off as a rich Norwegian. If you are poor in the UK, your income is way behind the bottom 5% and 10% in Norway."
Sorry but that puts you down with mbk.

I'm alright jack, thank you very much
Are you misinformed or just not very bright?

It's called REALITY.

I've said before, since year dot there have been poor, rich and those between.

That will NEVER change regardless of what any politician in any country says.

Come back to earth a century from now, I GUARANTEE there will be poor, rich and those between.

I'm not getting into pointless debates with the usual suspects on here, you included, about the rights or wrongs of this, should we therefore stop trying to improve matters etc etc.

My point, my FACT is this. We have poor people. We have rich people. We have those between.

That isn't changing ... EVER.
I guess you believe most are not in genuine need

Would you like to say what percentage you think have a genuine need?
7.29%, calculated using the triple diviso method devised in the 1930s to define those in genuine need of state support.
Yes, why should a wage need to be topped up unless the government decides its not enough to live on ?
Because the benefits system is an untargeted blunt instrument. It is overly generous in some circumstances, not sufficient in others, and will never be perfect.
Are you misinformed or just not very bright?

It's called REALITY.

I've said before, since year dot there have been poor, rich and those between.

That will NEVER change regardless of what any politician in any country says.

Come back to earth a century from now, I GUARANTEE there will be poor, rich and those between.

I'm not getting into pointless debates with the usual suspects on here, you included, about the rights or wrongs of this, should we therefore stop trying to improve matters etc etc.

My point, my FACT is this. We have poor people. We have rich people. We have those between.

That isn't changing ... EVER.
At no point have you ever answered the question.

Nothing wrong with different levels of pay and life. But a working person should earn a decent wage.

I don't see anything controversial in that.

Others like you obviously do. We've just had a referendum to stop low pay being an issue and here we are, some are actually promoting it.
Because the benefits system is an untargeted blunt instrument. It is overly generous in some circumstances, not sufficient in others, and will never be perfect.
And a decent wage for a decent weeks work would go a long way to making it better.

We could use a slogan. "Make work pay" maybe
It isnt a reality in other countries as it is here

are you saying British people shouldnt want to have a fairer society, despite it being available in other countries?

"The UK is a “poor country with a few rich people in it”, according to one of the world’s leading poverty experts – setting the UK up for failure ahead of the next pandemic.

Professor Sir Michael Marmot, author of several landmark Government reviews on poverty, told the launch of a new film on inequality during COVID – the Unequal Pandemic – that the crisis “exposed the underlying inequalities in society”.

“People said it will be the great leveller,” he said. “But that’s not what’s happened in the past… UK life expectancy was flat-lining before the pandemic.”

"If you are rich in the UK, you are almost as well off as a rich Norwegian. If you are poor in the UK, your income is way behind the bottom 5% and 10% in Norway."
What is the definition of poverty?
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