Is a peoples vote likely?

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Come on then DP - you do it.

If the principle is that having asked the people what they want wrt to political and economic issues once, we must never ask them again, can you put forward a logical explanation, consistent with that principle, of why we've been asked "which party's package of political and economic offerings do you want" 56 times since 1802?
Shedzy,I am not your teacher,google it!.Typical desperate remoaner.No wonder you voted incorrectly,you do not know whether you are in York or Cork.
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Come on then DP - you do it.

If the principle is that having asked the people what they want wrt to political and economic issues once, we must never ask them again, can you put forward a logical explanation, consistent with that principle, of why we've been asked "which party's package of political and economic offerings do you want" 56 times since 1802?

You say it like the reason we were asked about EU membership again wasnt because the Tories were compelled to do so by the fear of UKIP potentially taking seats on the Brexit ticket and to satisfy Eurosceptics in the Tory party.

The fact of the matter is we haven't been asked if we want to be part of the EU as often as we have about replacing our government.

It was good enough to ask once about joining.
Come on then DP - you do it.

If the principle is that having asked the people what they want wrt to political and economic issues once, we must never ask them again, can you put forward a logical explanation, consistent with that principle, of why we've been asked "which party's package of political and economic offerings do you want" 56 times since 1802?

You know very well that you are comparing apples with oranges -a referendum is not the same as elections.

I could ask the same thing about why we have stayed in the EU for 40 odd years -why werent we asked every 5 years if we wanted to leave.
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Saying "because they are different" is not a logical answer to the question "why are they different?" - it's just circular reasoning.
Saying "because they are different" is not a logical answer to the question "why are they different?" - it's just circular reasoning.

Ok, why arent elections for government held every 40 years and not every 5 years?
Come on then DP - you do it.

If the principle is that having asked the people what they want wrt to political and economic issues once, we must never ask them again, can you put forward a logical explanation, consistent with that principle, of why we've been asked "which party's package of political and economic offerings do you want" 56 times since 1802?
So you didnt realise ref was a 1 off,,more a once every 5 year vote!...No wonder you struggled with the complex issues involved.You remoaner idiots would not be wanting ref2 if we voted to stay in,,you would be going mental about democracy, ,clowns.
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Why not?

If it turns out that the only two options currently left are not likely to pass through our legislative bodies, then what other option is there than to ask the electorate?

Because it will reinforce the notion that, within the EU, the people keep voting until they get the "right" result.
Because it will reinforce the notion that, within the EU, the people keep voting until they get the "right" result.
Or it could be said that giving people the chance to vote when they know what it is that they are putting their cross against is democracy in action...

Quitters seem to believe that the only form of democracy is a 'one off' opinion poll devoid of the facts, whilst being unable to understand the irony of that belief!
If the principle is that having asked the people what they want wrt to political and economic issues once, we must never ask them again, can you put forward a logical explanation, consistent with that principle, of why we've been asked "which party's package of political and economic offerings do you want" 56 times since 1802?

Jeez! What's it like on your planet?

Ridiculous analogy.
Quitters seem to believe that the only form of democracy is a 'one off'

Its a pointless argument -remainers wouldn't be saying that is the result was different. They wouldnt be saying 'oh lets have a peoples vote'.
Its a pointless argument -remainers wouldn't be saying that is the result was different. They wouldnt be saying 'oh lets have a peoples vote'.
You really have lost the plot...

It would be the quitters who would tend to be saying that had sense prevailed :rolleyes:

And in fact Garbage said that if the result went against, UKIP would be going nowhere...

Do keep up, notchy!
So what is the right result for the country and economy?

Well if the option was available, a reformed EU, that was less of a political union and more of a economic one.

Without that option, I guess remain and at least have some form ability to shape the EU, even that is against a tide of Federalism.

Clearly the strength of a nation is measured by the economic alliances it forms and leaving one after 40 years and starting at the bottom as a new boy with another doesnt have much positive about it. Even though I hate to admit it!
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