Is a peoples vote likely?

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The referendum was a mistake.
Had Cameron, or anyone else in power, thought it would turn out as it did, there would NOT have been one.

Does anyone really think they will chance it again?
Remoaners have been whining since June 2016 and need to get a grip.

Quitters have been whining since 1973, have never stopped, and will go to their graves grumbling. They will never get a grip.

So remainers are entitled to express their opinion for another 45 years or so.
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The vast majority of Brexiteers have big enough b0llox to accept democracy if the result had not gone their way.
Ah, that'll be why there 'wasn't' a continual leave campaign by quitters since 1975 then :LOL:

And despite that garbage statement, UKIP would have disbanded :LOL:

The lies keep coming!
Quitters have been whining since 1973,

Only because they were lied to by the ruling elites. Sold a European Economic Community that turned into a controlling, avaricious, dictatorial, corrupt, unaccountable, undemocratic monster. An EU that is so broken and dysfunctional that it has not signed off it's accounts in years. An EU that remorselessly crushes democracies, ours and Greece, if they seek to break free of the crushing yoke and dead-handed bureaucracy.

No wonder we grumbled about ending up in a Franco-German Empire. But we Brexiteers would still have been big enough to accept a democratic vote if it hadn't gone our way.
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I’d have a peoples vote. The way I see it is this:

The referendum was like a sandwich shop. Do you want a sandwich, Yes or No.

The people’s vote would be what do you want on your sandwich, Nothing, Dog ****, Ham or Cheese.

At the minute it seems the only option are nothing or dog ****.
The referendum was like a sandwich shop. Do you want a sandwich, Yes or No.

Or I'd say, more like saying "do you want to sell our home and move house."

The people who said "Yes" all imagined that the new house would be bigger, or cheaper, or in a nicer place, or have a pool, or be close to a railway station, but they neglected to agree what they were looking for.

Theresa has signed the contract to sell our current home, but nobody can agree on a new one.
Only because they were lied to by the ruling elites. Sold a European Economic Community that turned into a controlling, avaricious, dictatorial, corrupt, unaccountable, undemocratic monster. An EU that is so broken and dysfunctional that it has not signed off it's accounts in years. An EU that remorselessly crushes democracies, ours and Greece, if they seek to break free of the crushing yoke and dead-handed bureaucracy.


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