Is a peoples vote likely?

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I’d have a peoples vote. The way I see it is this:

The referendum was like a sandwich shop. Do you want a sandwich, Yes or No.

The people’s vote would be what do you want on your sandwich, Nothing, Dog ****, Ham or Cheese.

At the minute it seems the only option are nothing or dog ****.
These analogies become more and more rudiculous,,,,how about this,,,easy one
"Do you want a kik in the b,,,x.
Do you want to be asked every 5 years?...
Question too hard???
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You still haven't given clear points as to what is best for the economy. Give examples.

I never mentioned our economy. But seeing as you raised the subject, being in The EU doesn't guarantee a successful economy. Jut ask Greece, Italy, Spain, etc, etc. The EU is run for the benefit of the German economy. They're top dog, and France is it's bitch.
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Tomorrow is crunch time.

Best estimates suggest TM short by 100 votes.

Will she defy the 'will of the people' and revoke article 50?

Dont forget, if the withdrawal agreement goes through, that is only a tiny bit negotiated. Trade talks would then start which would go on and and on.

And we would discover TM is lying about her deal meaning 'we will stop paying large amounts into the EU'.
And the sharks will be circling, Gibraltar, fishing rights etc etc etc......

Corbyn is still saying there is a better deal to be had, although he has been muttering about the customs union.....which I dont think is part of the withdrawal agreement....
Will she defy the 'will of the people' and revoke article 50?
Funny how quitters claim that 'brexit is enshrined in law'...

In a parliamentary democracy, parliament can effectively do what it likes...

But that's what the quitters voted for when 'getting their country back'...

Pity they didn't actually understand that :rolleyes:

PS. Although I hope the vote is lost, it may be that enough politicians will turn chickenshit and pass the 'worst of all worlds' deal!

That's just one person's opinion, and he has no power to carry out his wishes. I believe that the vast majority of leave voters are adult enough and have sufficient self respect not to try to keep demanding referendums until we get the result we wanted. A large percentage of remainers seem unable to grasp the concept of democracy.
If TM quits in the next few weeks as i think is likely the case due to the intense pressure, what would happen?
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