Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

also support Israel in their fight against terrorism...
So you support the bombing of innocent Palestinians and you don’t condemn Israel’s atrocities

So your sympathy for Palestinians counts for how much exactly?
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Acceptable, no mention of holocaust victims.
Acceptable, no mention of holocaust victims.
Nor Palestinian victims.
Nor slaves, nor Irish, nor The Killing Fields, etc.
The Holocaust was a horrific event in history. It wasn't the only horrific event, and it's no excuse for the current and past treatment of Palestinians by Israel.
I don't see the Cambodians letting loose on genocide of their neighbours because Pol Pot was an evil bu99er.
I don't see the Irish reigning terror on their neighbours because the English invaded their land, and I don't see Afro-Caribbeans creating an apartheid state due to past slavery, etc.
You can't keep using the Holocaust as an excuse for Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, over the last 70 years.
That's what the Israel "Race card" is all about. It's a humorous way of explaining that past events are no excuse for current atrocities.
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So you support the bombing of innocent Palestinians and you don’t condemn Israel’s atrocities

So your sympathy for Palestinians counts for how much exactly?

Israel have every right to defend themselves and root out the terrorists.

Hamas are (a) the cowards for hiding behind the ordinary palestinian (b) not to be believed when it comes to their figures etc of deaths.

How many innocents died during WWII?
Its called a war. Why are people going on about women & children being killed. No bomb or missile can tell us what its going to kill. In world war 2, did the Germans ask the women & children of the UK & many other country's to go to a certain town & we wont bomb it. No! its called war. The Arab country's should thanking Israel that it doesn't use what it has got in its Arsenal. As they could obliterate many Arab country's if pushed. Thats how the 2nd wold war got stopped.
Its called a war. Why are people going on about women & children being killed. No bomb or missile can tell us what its going to kill. In world war 2, did the Germans ask the women & children of the UK & many other country's to go to a certain town & we wont bomb it. No! its called war. The Arab country's should thanking Israel that it doesn't use what it has got in its Arsenal. As they could obliterate many Arab country's if pushed. Thats how the 2nd wold war got stopped.
Israel is using AI to determine any target worth going for, regardless of how many civilians are in the location. The IDF do not care. They still send a missile or a bomb through the roof....A tank put a live round through a car containing several civilians, including a six year old child from less than 30 metres away, a distance from which they could clearly see they posed no threat.
Its called a war
No isnt

Palestine has no military, it has no defence systems, it has no navy, no airforce, no army, no tanks.

It is not a war, it is Israel causing genocide on the Palestinian people in retaliation for Hamas terrorists

No bomb or missile can tell us what its going to kill.
If you aim a bomb at a hospital, it’s going to kill doctors, nurses, patients
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