Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

Let's face it...

The unequivocal apologists for the state of israel's actions are simply anti muslim/arab and thus by definition antisemitic...

But they are just too thick to understand that ;)
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It was OK when it happened in Australia, America, South Africa, India, Indo-China, Philippines, South America, etc.
That was OK because it was the white man conquering the natives. And they needed to be civilised. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
when have I ever said any of those invasions was a good thing? they're all just further examples of what happens to the indigenous people when another culture invades on mass. Of course all those events are historic, just like the Jews taking over Palistine - and we can't turn the clock back, we are where we are as the saying goes. But history is important to learn lessons from, and we should be very careful with mass inward migration, esp from cultures who don't care much for ours.

Do you consider using high explosive shells to blow up a vehicle with six civilians inside acceptable?
Of course not - I will guess this has happened in Gaza ? if so, two things to ask, how do we know this happened, could it be propaganda from the despicable terrorist organisation Hamas ? And if it did happen was the IDF aware if was full of civilians, it is well known that Hamas Terrorists disguise themselves as civilians and hide behind women and children

If there weren't so many Palestinians being held without charge and indefinitely, tortured, raped, abused and killed, by Israel, 7 October would not have happened. Israel would not have suffered the capture of Israelis.
prisoners held on remand or jailed for crimes are not hostages

I accept Israel's heavy handed approach to justice when it concerns groups they don't like, but then again is that not what Starmer is doing in the UK right now - could the right wing idiots caught rioting be described as hostages? i think not, but I bet it is not that dissimilar to idiots held by the state of Israel. I bet those being held were not arrested at a music festival in Gaza!
Of course not - I will guess this has happened in Gaza ? if so, two things to ask, how do we know this happened, could it be propaganda from the despicable terrorist organisation Hamas ? And if it did happen was the IDF aware if was full of civilians, it is well known that Hamas Terrorists disguise themselves as civilians and hide behind women and children

A well documented incident that was extensively in the news for many weeks. Just one of the many war crimes committed by Israel.
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350 bullet holes from the tank's machine gun used to destroy the car where the little girl was calling for help.

From 20 metres away.

All her family were already dead.

And the ambulancemen who came to save her blown to pieces.
when have I ever said any of those invasions was a good thing? they're all just further examples of what happens to the indigenous people when another culture invades on mass. Of course all those events are historic, just like the Jews taking over Palistine - and we can't turn the clock back, we are where we are as the saying goes.
The Israel - Palestine problem is occurring now. We can resolve it. But only if we have the will. And then it won't become an historical stain on humanity.

But history is important to learn lessons from, and we should be very careful with mass inward migration, esp from cultures who don't care much for ours.
Ahh, the Enoch Powell mode again, coupled with your white superiority belief. :rolleyes:
You've just demonstrated you have no interest whatsoever in resolving the Israel- Palestine problem fairly and equitably.

Of course not - I will guess this has happened in Gaza ? if so, two things to ask, how do we know this happened, could it be propaganda from the despicable terrorist organisation Hamas ? And if it did happen was the IDF aware if was full of civilians, it is well known that Hamas Terrorists disguise themselves as civilians and hide behind women and children
Der! Back to the IDF wonderful, Hamas terrible mode.
prisoners held on remand or jailed for crimes are not hostages
When they are arrested without charge, kept indefinitely in humane conditions, tortured, raped, killed, etc you still call them prisoners?
Get real!

I accept Israel's heavy handed approach to justice when it concerns groups they don't like,
You don't, that's the problem. You think it's justified, and the Israel behaviour has always been justified. You've just said so:
prisoners held on remand or jailed for crimes are not hostages

but then again is that not what Starmer is doing in the UK right now - could the right wing idiots caught rioting be described as hostages?
Now you are demonstrating your severe cognitive bias. :rolleyes:
It's so severe it's almost insane.

You don't, that's the problem. You think it's justified, and the Israel behaviour has always been justified. You've just said so:
but I bet it is not that dissimilar to idiots held by the state of Israel. I

bet those being held were not arrested at a music festival in Gaza!
They were taken in exactly the same circumstances as all the hostages taken by Israel over the decades.
Because one side describes "ours" as prisoners and theirs as "hostages" does not make it moral. :rolleyes:
Because "they" are called terrorists, and "ours" are called soldiers does not make it moral. :rolleyes:
It's just propaganda.
were they taken from a musical festival in Gaza
No, they were taken from their homes, their relatives, neighbours and friends possibly killed in the process. The family made destitute and homeless in the process.
Do you defend the arrests and imprisonment without charge, torture in prison, bulldozing of homes, and replacement of Palestinian land with illegal israeli settler 'communities'?

Do you defend the torture of Palestinian children and the joyous israeli snipers having a bit of 'fun' as they try and knee cap kids with bullets against stones?
You mean you didn't know before? :giggle:
You should read a more independent news outlet.
The Jerusalem Post tends to be a teeny tiny bit pro-Israel. :rolleyes:

I've read every available outlet. I'm aware of the arrests and I'm aware that if the arrests are 'terror' related, standard procedure appears to be the destruction of their homes. That the IDF then automatically kill their relatives, neighbours and friends was a bit of an eye opener, I'd go as far as to say I'm shocked.

Do you have a link?
I'd go as far as to say I'm shocked.

Surely not.

The Israeli army.

Israeli army gunmen make special efforts to shoot children, and adults, in the knees, with the objective of making them amputees or lifelong cripples, if they do not quickly bleed to death.

What else can you expect from a fascist army performing racist oppression and genocide?

Sharp-eyed @fillyboy will notice that this started before what he likes to think is the start of the current "war"

'42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters​

Over 200 Palestinians were killed and nearly 8,000 were injured during almost two years of weekly protests at the Israel-Gaza border. Israeli army snipers tell their stories"
I don't believe filly is shocked by atrocities carried out by the terrorist Israeli army.

Israel holds captive thousands of Palestinians, arrested without charge and imprisoned without trial. Always has done. This is not new.

Some of them are sexually abused, others are tortured, other killed in the most revolting ways.

Surgery is carried out without anaesthetic.

Prisoners are chained to a bed without access to toilets.

Manacles are so tight that gangrene sets in and limbs are amputated.

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