Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

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"Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation"​

I suppose it's inevitable that people who support genocide will try to find excuses.

Koolpc for example.
free all the hostages and you will get my support in compelling Israel to stop and start talking about two states.

Its up to the terrorist organisation Hamas how long this conflict continues. And may be if Hamas would come out and fight instead of hiding behind women and children (whilst eating all the pies themselves) then these tragedies wouldn't be happening.
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free all the hostages and you will get my support in compelling Israel to stop and start talking about two states.

Its up to the terrorist organisation Hamas how long this conflict continues. And may be if Hamas would come out and fight instead of hiding behind women and children (whilst eating all the pies themselves) then these tragedies wouldn't be happening.
Maybe Hamas wouldn't have to fight for a people forced to live on their knees in a ghetto while Israel builds illegal settlements contrary to International law. Maybe the two-state solution was possible thirty years ago but an Ultra-Orthodox Jew shot the Israeli PM who was trying to make peace. Israel would rather have war.
free all the hostages and you will get my support in compelling Israel to stop and start talking about two states.
When you say 'free all the hostages', are you including the thousands of Palestinians being held hostage by Israel?
Just like WWII?

Scumbag hamas hide behind women and kids. They are cowards. They out those people in the line of fire deliberately.
over half the bombs dropped on Gaza have been unguided

Oh dear your argument has fallen apart
Just like WWII?

Scumbag hamas hide behind women and kids. They are cowards. They out those people in the line of fire deliberately.
KoolPC doesn’t give a monkeys about Palestinian women and children because he hates Muslims
Which is why you did that before October?

Or didn't you?
I have in the past condemned Israel for the treatment of the Palistines - after all (and I know it is debatable) but I think the Palistines have a great historical claim to that land, It was mostly Palistinians until the mass inward migration of Jews who have since marginalised the native people. Countries need to be careful about inward immigration, even from those seeking refuge from persecution, if there is enough they can turn on their hosts

But getting back on topic, we can't allow terrorists and I agree wih israels desire to rid the land of Hamas, what they did last year was beyond unacceptable.
But getting back on topic, we can't allow terrorists and I agree wih israels desire to rid the land of Hamas, what they did last year was beyond unacceptable.

Do you consider using high explosive shells to blow up a vehicle with six civilians inside acceptable?
Who says? The IDF?
So, you believe everything hamas says then! That figures!

It's incredible how some can interpret another's words into some kind of fantasy.
Denso, "It's raining today"
Koolpc, "So you're being flooded then! That figures!"

How in hell's name does the rain automatically mean someone is being flooded. It doesn't figure logically.
If anyone logically assumes someone is being flooded because it's raining, their logic must be twisted beyond all recognition.
Bigotry does that to you. :rolleyes:
free all the hostages and you will get my support in compelling Israel to stop and start talking about two states.
If there weren't so many Palestinians being held without charge and indefinitely, tortured, raped, abused and killed, by Israel, 7 October would not have happened. Israel would not have suffered the capture of Israelis.
I have in the past condemned Israel for the treatment of the Palistines - after all (and I know it is debatable) but I think the Palistines have a great historical claim to that land, It was mostly Palistinians until the mass inward migration of Jews who have since marginalised the native people. Countries need to be careful about inward immigration, even from those seeking refuge from persecution, if there is enough they can turn on their hosts
Welcome back Enoch Powell. :rolleyes:
It was OK when it happened in Australia, America, South Africa, India, Indo-China, Philippines, South America, etc.
That was OK because it was the white man conquering the natives. And they needed to be civilised. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
"Sarcasm mode off"

But getting back on topic, we can't allow terrorists and I agree wih israels desire to rid the land of Hamas, what they did last year was beyond unacceptable.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. :rolleyes:
But good of you to get back on topic, after your little Enoch Powell outburst. :ROFLMAO:
I hope you get over your bout of hypocrisy. :rolleyes:
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