
I must be missing something.

Why would a victim's father be "turfed out"?
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I must be missing something.

Why would a victim's father be "turfed out"?
In such cases, the narrative from a small but vocal minority is 'this is what happens when you allow migration, England isn't England any more' etc etc. My point is, if that's someone's stance (and I'll say again it's a minority I grant you) then following the logic through (i.e. black/brown bad, white good) then the victims father must surely fall into the same category of the minority that think as aforementioned.
all these potentially dangerous fruit cakes wandering around

Jeez us wept

We will get the usual speil from the great and the good nowt will change

Apparently There is a video of the fruit cake attempting to get into a hostel via a window ????
Apparently There is a video of the fruit cake attempting to get into a hostel via a window ????
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Which is why the government needs to get to grips with the small boat situation. But hey ho, there's a lot of talk and very little action around that.

With immigration said to be on target (it does appear there's a target) to hit 700,000 this year, it's not just the small boats that need sorting. We'll know very little about the others who come here - waved through by soft touch immigration. You would want to know exactly who you're admitting into your house. Should be the same for this country, for the safety and security of the indigenous population.
nothing unusual in claiming mental health issues theses days
Is being diagnosed with mental health issues, any more or less unusual these days? You seem to know.

I'm sure in years past, not many used to put their hands up when asked if there were 'any nutters in the room'. Weren't they conveniently locked away in a sanitorium and labelled lunatics?
You do realise Tory Brexiteers really could not give a chuff what happens to the UK? They despise this country and our fellow Europeans can only look on and laugh.

Typical RWR hatred from Noseall
As per usual
With immigration said to be on target (it does appear there's a target) to hit 700,000 this year, it's not just the small boats that need sorting. We'll know very little about the others who come here - waved through by soft touch immigration. You would want to know exactly who you're admitting into your house. Should be the same for this country, for the safety and security of the indigenous population.
Who is in charge of immigration , now we (all) know that it wasn't the EU ?

What are they doing? Are they interested in it, or paying lip service to it, to keep the easily led on side.
Barring a few in NI, not many catholics will want to fly planes into tall buildings or commit mass murder with HGVs, etc. I'd rather take my chances with them.
People who put their butts in the air several times a day and wail for an unseen being have problems, that must include catholics amongst many others
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