Oh FFS. Not again!

That’s utter bolox

France 2023 asylum applications 167,000
U.K. 2023 asylum application 85,000

France 2022 asylum applications 131,000
U.K. 2022 asylum applications 81,000

Given we have virtually the same population, even a ficko can do the math.

What TF does “the UK takes in more asylum seekers per capita than France” even mean?

What does “take in” mean?
Stop with the irrelevant statistics. You want to show france takes more, then you need to show that more applications are approved. Let us know how you get on.

Obviously you’ll struggle with that, so maybe explain why those crossing and sinking on small boats who need to be rescued can’t be taken to “port” of origin as a policy.
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UK has the highest number of illegal migrants.
If you looked at the recent details on migrants you would see that a number are legal. Some one posted a link to it. Very recent report produced with commendable speed.

So what's the problem? EU, legal or our definition of illegal. All via numbers
Obviously you’ll struggle with that
we have had that debate, you spouted a load of bolox last time and lost the argument

Im not wasting my time with your rancid tosh

explain why those crossing and sinking on small boats who need to be rescued can’t be taken to “port” of origin as a policy.
strawman argument, almost none are "sinking"

So lets look at the real facts of small boat crossings, maybe we should refer to a maritime expert rather than your R/W grifting lies

Ainhoa Campàs Velasco, a maritime law expert from the University of Southampton, said migrants could not be returned to French shores, "unilaterally, and without prior agreement with France". There is no such agreement between the UK and France
I note you dont provide the source of you made up numbers
I posted a link that does but a often is the case the number includes certain factors which make comparison with France rather difficult. It's also based on the last census with some forecasting.

Current situation is rather different due to visa changes. Effects of that are still ongoing. No change by Labour however the Tory wanted a yearly vote on numbers. Not implemented. Labour may come across reasons to change the numbers allowed in for the reason the Tory wanted the vote.

Labour's recently released report is more comprehensive but moving numbers can be tricky to track.
You can't lead a donkey to water. LOL Actually you can but you can't force them to drink.
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