Oh FFS. Not again!

10.7m UK vs almost 7m in France. Though another source said 7.1m

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we have had that debate, you spouted a load of bolox last time and lost the argument

Im not wasting my time with your rancid tosh

strawman argument, almost none are "sinking"

So lets look at the real facts of small boat crossings, maybe we should refer to a maritime expert rather than your R/W grifting lies

Ainhoa Campàs Velasco, a maritime law expert from the University of Southampton, said migrants could not be returned to French shores, "unilaterally, and without prior agreement with France". There is no such agreement between the UK and France
The wrong question. Of course.

Nobody is saying take those who are arriving back to france. The exam question is why the authorities do not approach them when they first set off. Instead they dutifully coordinate the pick up at the national limit and ignore the fact that every single one has broken the law.

10.7m UK vs almost 7m in France. Though another source said 7.1m

Stop conflating legal migration with asylum seekers.
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Nobody is saying take those who are arriving back to france
Nor did I

The exam question is why the authorities do not approach them when they first set off
That’s not what you said.

You said:

“so maybe explain why those crossing and sinking on small boats who need to be rescued can’t be taken to “port” of origin as a policy.”

Please try to get your story straight…..do you want an answer on “when they first set off” or “when they are crossing”

ignore the fact that every single one has broken the law
It’s not illegal to cross borders to claim asylum
Nor did I

That’s not what you said.

You said:

“so maybe explain why those crossing and sinking on small boats who need to be rescued can’t be taken to “port” of origin as a policy.”

Please try to get your story straight…..do you want an answer on “when they first set off” or “when they are crossing”

It’s not illegal to cross borders to claim asylum
Cross in to france and fail to claim asylum- illegal
Set off in an unregistered vessel - illegal.
Operate a commercial ferry without appropriate qualifications - illegal
As above safety equipment - illegal
Seaworthiness- illegal.
Endangering life - illegal.


Plenty of crimes to allow local forces to stop them when they leave.
Does the U.K. ignore the fact that people have broken the law if they leave the country?
You mean if UK citizens break the law whilst in transit or prior to leaving? I'm guessing their concerns are the same (for UK citizens). Speak to those that are in receipt of the UK perp's and have them arrested via international agreement.
You mean if UK citizens break the law whilst in transit or prior to leaving? I'm guessing their concerns are the same (for UK citizens). Speak to those that are in receipt of the UK perp's and have them arrested via international agreement.
Who's talking about only U.K. citizens? I’m talking about anyone from any country that breaks the law. Look at how many foreign terrorists/rapists/murderers/conmen/fraudsters that have been apprehended in countries and sent back for trial from countries that we have an extradition agreement with. That’s the purpose of Interpol in case you didn’t know. I do believe we have such an agreement with France. If they asked, we could send them back. Of course, they wont ask as the scoundrels are happy to help them on their way here.
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