
Ah the other forum physchotic has awoken! D&J you are just as bad as freddie with your insults because you can't think of anything constructive to say, so just go away!
how does replying to freddies posts mean i'm singling him out? your logic escapes me sometimes! but to use freddies misguided comments about sympathising meaning you support them then going by that you must agree with his comments and i didn't think you the violent type! ;)
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Spitting Image took the **** out of politicians and when Gerry + Martin ( sein fein- IRA ) got into the house of commons Gerry would always come up behind a politician and whisper ----i know where you live and the politicians would **** theirselves

Dont worry Kendors basically as dumb as a post, he has no clue what i could or would do and his expert analysis of me is about as accurate as what Tony Blair is at telling the truth
Once again this has degenerated into a personal row between people on here who disagreed with each other before on certain issues.

I personally don't see how matching violence (or illegal acts) with the same can possibly be constructive. And I speak as someone who hasn't always been on the right side of the law myself.

If someone harmed my cat I'd of course be furious, but I'd also be upset at whatever pain my cat was in. So would I react by going out to cause pain to anyone, or anything, else? No. Even if you took it to the extreme of someone harming my family, I would find it hard but I would have to trust the justice system to do what it's meant to and bring the culprits to book for what they did.

I agree wholeheartedly that animal abuse should be treated as seriously in a court of law as crimes towards humans, but I see no place for vigilateism here or anywhere else.
remind me, where abouts in Spitting Image did they refer to ripping peoples faces off? I seem to have forgotten.
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ninebob said:
Once again this has degenerated into a personal row between people on here who disagreed with each other before on certain issues.

I personally don't see how matching violence (or illegal acts) with the same can possibly be constructive. And I speak as someone who hasn't always been on the right side of the law myself.

If someone harmed my cat I'd of course be furious, but I'd also be upset at whatever pain my cat was in. So would I react by going out to cause pain to anyone, or anything, else? No. Even if you took it to the extreme of someone harming my family, I would find it hard but I would have to trust the justice system to do what it's meant to and bring the culprits to book for what they did.

I agree wholeheartedly that animal abuse should be treated as seriously in a court of law as crimes towards humans, but I see no place for vigilateism here or anywhere else.
At last, some sensibility.
kendor said:
Ah the other forum physchotic has awoken! D&J you are just as bad as freddie with your insults because you can't think of anything constructive to say, so just go away!
how does replying to freddies posts mean i'm singling him out?your logic escapes me sometimes! but to use freddies misguided comments about sympathising meaning you support them then going by that you must agree with his comments and i didn't think you the violent type! ;)

No not really kendor, I disagreed with direct action and quite clearly said so a few posts back. The reason I am saying you are singling him out is because you ignored, and have again, posts by others that are equal to what you have accused freddie of.

At no stage have I suggested violence, I only said the general public are fed up with the law and order situation in general.

Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence.
david and julie said:
Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence.
You'll have to ask freddie on that one as i did say i was using his logic of thinking when i typed that.

Again on the singling out, why do you think i have singled him out? i'm merely replying to his comments but if others have said such things then their comments are just as bad.
So if you feel compelled to back up someone else who clearly is wrong in their sentiments then please have the bravery to admit to accepting those beliefs rather than backing down by saying you don't subscribe to them as above.
you either agree or you don't, black and white, no inbetween, it's not rocket science! ok perhaps i should make allowances in your case. ;)
ok perhaps i should make allowances in your case.
Why do you provoke people with comments like that and then put yourself over as being a thinking person?

I may be mistaken but if there are four violent suggestions and you only pick out one that means singling out. Now no doubt you will disagree but to me, one and single, are the same thing but no doubt you will come out with some outlandish rubbish to disprove me.
This is a stupid comment.
you either agree or you don't, black and white, no inbetween, it's not rocket science!
If this was true there would be no point in discussion between people at all. You still haven't answered my comment below.

Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence
david and julie said:
ok perhaps i should make allowances in your case.
Why do you provoke people with comments like that and then put yourself over as being a thinking person?
Dunno, perhaps it was the "He's a two faced sh*t stirring k**b" comment from you that provoked me! :)
the rest of your comments have been answered previously so i can't be ars*d to keep answering you when you can't be bothered to read.
Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence.
david and julie said:
Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence.
READ PREVIOUS POSTS AND STOP REPEATING YOURSELF!!!!!now i really can't be ars*d anymore i'm off to bed nighty night.
You did not answer my post because you would have to admit you were wrong. You tried to say you were somehow reading someones mind on line which is pathetic.

Back it up or wrap it up kendor , show me where I have sympathised or agreed with violence.

Show me where I said this, in this post, and I will admit I am wrong.

ninebob said:
If someone harmed my cat I'd of course be furious, but I'd also be upset at whatever pain my cat was in. So would I react by going out to cause pain to anyone, or anything, else? No.
I find this very hard to believe until something happen, last year my 7 month cat was run over and killed by a speeding car who did it on purpose in front of school children as we tried to flag the driver speed down our quite road. That is murder and I went running down road after the driver but got away laughing. I wrote to my local dimwit labour MP and said "Sorry for the sad new but as cat don't have licence, it's okay to run them over". None of you have any idea what action you would take at the time until it happen to you, I'm still angry now after a year gone by. I'm with freddie on this one because the law has failed us.
Kendor you keep on about my misguided comments and how i need help-------you know sod all about me or who i am and what i do, being as you know claim to be some kind of sycho-analyst could you put your qualifications on here or are just the usual forum b u l l s h i t e r and know it all that you meet in these places, half the time you waffle on without a clue on the subject in question and spend your time trying to wind people up, i think my veiw of you must be spot on dumb as a post and a bit of a loser---tell me how much is long term unemployment benefit these days??????
Freddie..................nice bit of weather were having, I hope you and Dave have been behaving yourselves ;)
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