
Richardp said:
Freddie..................nice bit of weather were having, I hope you and Dave have been behaving yourselves ;)

Whose Dave Richard ?????????
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I'll start again, ignor the last 2 posts.
Hello Freddie what a lovely bit of weather we are getting at the moment init? I hope you and Dave
[david and julie) have not been upsetting to many people with your um!direct approach to discussing everyday subjects la de da de da world peace etc bla bla bla
your s faithfully
Richard xx :D
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Oh i see sorry :LOL:

I couldnt give a monkies what people think of me, i am what i am and i speak as i find at least i am honest, i do notice on the current topics that some of those objecters never offer a usefull answer their only atribute is to say you cant do that, well they say that to everybody and everything and if it was left to them the world would stand still as you would spend all day argueing with the mentally impaired who are basically ******* as they can understand nothing but their point of view.

They have done nothing, seen nothing experienced nothing and know sweet FA------what did it use to say on the back of matches box's-------they who know it all know nothing

I think Kendor knows how much long term unemployment benefit is though :LOL:
I've never seen such crap and *******s in my life. If somebody nicks your dog/cat/gerbil, buy another one. Simple. No pet is worth the £7k that some hapless moron paid to get his labrador and pups back.

Seems to prove that fools and their money are easily parted.
Well he cant be the petnapper so thats his bullet in the post cancelled :LOL:
chambsesf said:
I've never seen such rubbish and *******s in my life. If somebody nicks your dog/cat/gerbil, buy another one. Simple. No pet is worth the £7k that some hapless moron paid to get his labrador and pups back.

Seems to prove that fools and their money are easily parted.
Do you not have any feeling at all?
I'm still waiting for the cheques to arrive. Bloody dog hairs all over the place. I might have to cut my losses and take all these animals back home......
chambsesf said:
I've never seen such rubbish and *******s in my life. If somebody nicks your dog/cat/gerbil, buy another one. Simple. No pet is worth the £7k that some hapless moron paid to get his labrador and pups back.

Seems to prove that fools and their money are easily parted.

50p says Chambsesf is a straight-forward no-nonsense country chap who shoots his dog when it reaches its 6th birthday :LOL:

Of course, you could do a hard-man approach. When they send their kid round to bargain with you, produce a bag of mice and start breaking their necks until the kid is so freaked they beg their parents to give you the pet back. :eek:
chambsesf said:
I've never seen such rubbish and *******s in my life. If somebody nicks your dog/cat/gerbil, buy another one. Simple. No pet is worth the £7k that some hapless moron paid to get his labrador and pups back.

Seems to prove that fools and their money are easily parted.
Bit old now this but I bet she was glad she insured.
DOG owner Helen McMurrough has thousands of reasons to love her labrador Lulu.
The three-year-old pet has undergone surgery costing almost £10,000 to enable her to walk, making her the most expensive patient on her insurance company's books.
Chocolate labrador Lulu was born with deformities in her hip joints and knee muscles and needed four major operations.
That has cost Helen's insurance company, Petplan, £9,840.32, prompting them to proclaim the dog their most expensive customer.
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