He's still not got over the war, bless him. Still angry at the Gerries for ridding us of the terraced slum shoitholes darn the East End.I don't know what you take but it must be rather mind bending if you think all is as simple as that.
He's still not got over the war, bless him. Still angry at the Gerries for ridding us of the terraced slum shoitholes darn the East End.I don't know what you take but it must be rather mind bending if you think all is as simple as that.
I don't know what you take but it must be rather mind bending if you think all is as simple as that.
Max I heard is 3 buses, out of 1000 civvies down there?
But the EU a global superpower?
Economically it is. Big bang wise similar to us in many ways but more countries. Nukes an exception other than France which in the past has had more than us. Always their own unlike us as well.
All are helping but I do have some question marks about Eastern Europe. Germany had a policy of not getting involved. The USA seem to have whoopee aspect to that and not a terribly successful history in this area. French military may have been more active in other areas than some but we don't hear about so called secret wars.Maybe we should leave them to sort Russia out then.
French are the loose cannons in nato no surprise there tbh ( scoundrels)
What about the rest of them. What are they doing?Hungarians well yes exactly
Finland & Sweden granted not in nato
Far more buses and negotiations mentioned.
Actually I believe these did have the same attitude about getting involved as Germany did in similar areas.
UK's problem with France was De Gaulle. No way into an embryonic EU while he was around.
French are always loose cannons
And cannot be trusted ( scoundrels)
the only country’s that can be relied on is the
Baltic states
Finland & Sweden granted not in nato
Turkey hmmmm although they are one of the few country’s to have stood up to the Russians militarily
Germans dunno ?
Portugal possibly
all the rest are dead beats and no hopers and brown nosers