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joe-90 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Sure, I'm a wobly liberal who loves to talk wobly ideas when everything in the whole world goes belly-up, specially talk to people with fixed ideas how to solve the problem for ever.
If you have any solutions to anything - let's here it here and now.
You so-far haven't even offered a single idea as to how the problems facing the country could be solved.

I guess you are too busy wobbling huh?

WoodYouLike said:
How long do you have?
Social changes, that's what's needed, how we should go about that, that's pretty much where all groups are talking about and never seem to be in agreement of. Cause everyone thinks he/she his/her group should have the advantage, be it in housing, jobs, education, money, land.
Men is mean and in fact not very social (does dog eat dog ring a bel?)
It's not the problem solely of or in the UK, to solve it you would have to re-distribute all sources (food, money, power) to the ones in need. But then who decides who needs what, where and when.
You see, same old problem.
Intolerance doesn't make it better, ignoring the 'problem' neither. But do you really think you and I can solve this very big problem for ever? Cause that's what we're talking about, not just one band-aid solution that will seem to solve it now (for whom?) but that will definitely back fire in the near future.
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WoodYouLike said:
Sure, I'm a wobly liberal who loves to talk wobly ideas when everything in the whole world goes belly-up, specially talk to people with fixed ideas how to solve the problem for ever.

funny thing liberalism most of them live comfortable lives never really seing the sh**y side of life

gl on your errr not taking sides lol goes to show how whos side your really on cos if its not mine its theres ? whos theres u ask and we all know its islam that is causing this immigration to go on and on we are letting enemys into our lives and cant see it well i can but some have there rosy glasses on

liberals f*** em i used to vote labour but i will vote any party now that can say they will stop immigration
WoodYouLike said:
joe-90 said:
WoodYouLike said:
Sure, I'm a wobly liberal who loves to talk wobly ideas when everything in the whole world goes belly-up, specially talk to people with fixed ideas how to solve the problem for ever.
If you have any solutions to anything - let's here it here and now.
You so-far haven't even offered a single idea as to how the problems facing the country could be solved.

I guess you are too busy wobbling huh?

WoodYouLike said:
How long do you have?
Social changes, that's what's needed, how we should go about that, that's pretty much where all groups are talking about and never seem to be in agreement of. Cause everyone thinks he/she his/her group should have the advantage, be it in housing, jobs, education, money, land.
Men is mean and in fact not very social (does dog eat dog ring a bel?)
It's not the problem solely of or in the UK, to solve it you would have to re-distribute all sources (food, money, power) to the ones in need. But then who decides who needs what, where and when.
You see, same old problem.
Intolerance doesn't make it better, ignoring the 'problem' neither. But do you really think you and I can solve this very big problem for ever? Cause that's what we're talking about, not just one band-aid solution that will seem to solve it now (for whom?) but that will definitely back fire in the near future.

You don't need to give examples of your wobbliness - we can all see them.

I'll ask you again. Do you have any answers to the problem or would you rather stand back and wobble?

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One last try to get through to you:

You can't blame all problems in the UK on immigration, you wouldn't stop all the problems in the Uk by closing the borders, kicking everyone you don't like out, you can't solve it by rioting, you can't solve it by voting for some extreme right-wing party next election.

Long term solution, and that's not liberal (read your history), that's socialism, would be to redistribute all the available sources equally. will that ever happen? No, men is to greedy for his/her own group.
You think you have to solution, I say you haven't. I don't have one, like I've been trying to tell you all along. You think you can win this discussion by repeating your questions when you don't like the answers you get, well you can't.
Some discussions aren't to be won, by nobody, simple. That might be your problem, thinking there has to be winner, regardless. Sorry to disappoint you
WoodYouLike said:
One last try to get through to you:

You can't blame all problems in the UK on immigration, you wouldn't stop all the problems in the Uk by closing the borders, kicking everyone you don't like out, you can't solve it by rioting, you can't solve it by voting for some extreme right-wing party next election.

Long term solution, and that's not liberal (read your history), that's socialism, would be to redistribute all the available sources equally. will that ever happen? No, men is to greedy for his/her own group.
You think you have to solution, I say you haven't. I don't have one, like I've been trying to tell you all along. You think you can win this discussion by repeating your questions when you don't like the answers you get, well you can't.
Some discussions aren't to be won, by nobody, simple. That might be your problem, thinking there has to be winner, regardless. Sorry to disappoint you

No one is suggesting that all problems are blameable on immigrants. However, immigration problems certainly are. I'm not a right winger. I'm an ordinary guy watching the country go down the pan because people like you would rather stand around wringing your hands and talk about social injustice. We inherited this country from our forefathers. Our Victorian ancestors made it a great nation. The people heading to this country via bogus asylum simply don't like what they inherited from their fore-fathers so they want to come and gate-crash Britain. People like you (hand-wringing liberals) are just too weak to stand up and say "ENOUGH we will take no more" . You are simply allowing the dam to fill up and up and up so that when it does burst it will be a total disaster.
As you say, you have no answers so it's probably time you left the thread.

WoodYouLike said:
empip said:
Blimey Woodo I thought rant meant To speak or write in an angry or violent manner, rave . Live and learn !
;) ;)

Sure Pip, but Rant Over means..... :D

...... To cease speaking or writing in an angry or violent manner, so it is possible you could be a little or notso little 'raver' then woody ?... never plane of course. ;) ;)
joe-90 said:
because people like you would rather stand around wringing your hands and talk about social injustice. ...

People like you (hand-wringing liberals) are just too weak to stand up and say "ENOUGH we will take no more" . You are simply allowing the dam to fill up and up and up so that when it does burst it will be a total disaster.

Once again, sure. if you say that's what I am, than that's what I must be. Pitty the political party I was a member of for years didn't see it that way.
joe-90 said:
As you say, you have no answers so it's probably time you left the thread.

You're telling woody to leave the thread because you don't like what she says but I predict that woody will be around on the forum long after you have departed. ;)
empip said:
...... To cease speaking or writing in an angry or violent manner, so it is possible you could be a little or notso little 'raver' then woody ?... never plane of course. ;) ;)

As always, you know me well Pip :D
WoodYouLike said:
joe-90 said:
because people like you would rather stand around wringing your hands and talk about social injustice. ...

People like you (hand-wringing liberals) are just too weak to stand up and say "ENOUGH we will take no more" . You are simply allowing the dam to fill up and up and up so that when it does burst it will be a total disaster.

Once again, sure. if you say that's what I am, than that's what I must be. Pitty the political party I was a member of for years didn't see it that way.

When you have a few ideas about solutions - then feel free to post.

petewood said:
joe-90 said:
As you say, you have no answers so it's probably time you left the thread.

You're telling woody to leave the thread because you don't like what she says but I predict that woody will be around on the forum long after you have departed. ;)

No. Quite the reverse. She (I thought it was a he) isn't saying anything other than that she wants the wealth of the world distributed evenly (in other words the whole globe living in poverty).

She admits there is a problem and also admits she has no answers - so why should she continue to post is this thread? We'd all like to see the World a nice place - but Utopia isn't real. It was a fanciful notion in 1516 and it's certainly no nearer today. This thread is about real life problems that need real life answers. Hand-wringing just doesn't quite cut it with me.
Sorry, but it doesn't. I hope she'll rejoin the thread when she's read to talk about the real world.

joe-90 said:
This thread is about real life problems that need real life answers. Hand-wringing just doesn't quite cut it with me.
Sorry, but it doesn't. I hope she'll rejoin the thread when she's read to talk about the real world.

and your real life answer is? I haven't heard a decent solution from you either.
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