How long do you have?
Social changes, that's what's needed, how we should go about that, that's pretty much where all groups are talking about and never seem to be in agreement of. Cause everyone thinks he/she his/her group should have the advantage, be it in housing, jobs, education, money, land.
Men is mean and in fact not very social (does dog eat dog ring a bel?)
It's not the problem solely of or in the UK, to solve it you would have to re-distribute all sources (food, money, power) to the ones in need. But then who decides who needs what, where and when.
You see, same old problem.
Intolerance doesn't make it better, ignoring the 'problem' neither. But do you really think you and I can solve this very big problem for ever? Cause that's what we're talking about, not just one band-aid solution that will seem to solve it now (for whom?) but that will definitely back fire in the near future.