reproduction rates

WoodYouLike said:
you're a joke Joe.

When you want a debate let me know.
Oh and stop using the forum like a chat room.

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joe-90 said:
WoodYouLike said:
you're a joke Joe.

When you want a debate let me know.
Oh and stop using the forum like a chat room.


The forum's there for members to use it as they wish (within reason :) ).
You will notice the heading at the top of your page as 'General Chat', and not 'Debating According To Joe's Rules'. :D
joe-90 said:
WoodYouLike said:
you're a joke Joe.

When you want a debate let me know.
Oh and stop using the forum like a chat room.


Are you saying you would like to debate a subject?
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WoodYouLike said:
you're a joke Joe.
WoodYouLike - I guess you're not aware of the fact that it's actually more like seven-nil. But joe-90 isn't crazed, he's just misunderstood, and it's all everyone else's fault :evil:
Again the anti muslim brigade twist the issue, there are many big families in this country and that includes english, irish etc epecially with fertility treatments these days a lot of multiple births are occuring so to say it's just the muslims that have big families is propaganda and rumour mongering.
but its our country we can have large families the muslims shouldnt be allowed to have any kids at all they have proven they worship a religion that intends to take over the uk if it can and by any means it has and if that means the birth of huge numbers of muslims then thats there weapon

how about compulsory castration of speying at the borders see if they still want to come here

f*** them all
Slogger said:
but its our country we can have large families the muslims shouldnt be allowed to have any kids at all they have proven they worship a religion that intends to take over the uk if it can and by any means it has and if that means the birth of huge numbers of muslims then thats there weapon
Slogger, you persistently interchange the concept of nationality and religion with geographical areas. I don't suppose you care, but doing so undermines everything else you say, and makes you sound like a pratt.

To be clear:

A Muslim person is someone who believes in Islam, which is generally accepted to be the second most "popular" religion in the world. Strictly speaking, a Muslim doesn't "worship a religion", any more than any other believer does where a deity is involved.

Great Britain is the group of islands that comprise England, Scotland and Wales. It isn't a religion; no, I must insist here - it isn't.

Muslims have the right to be, or to become, British citizens, as do Christians, Jews, atheists, people of all colours and nationalities, and, regretfully, raving fascist nutters.

The suggestion that family size be limited on the grounds of religious belief has not been justified, in any recognised forum, as a reasonable point of view. Hence there is no legal constraint on the size of families for people living in Great Britain, other than for reason of impaired mental health. Perhaps your circumstances fit this last caveat, such that you find yourself woefully bereft of the right to add to the gene pool. I think it likely that a brief moment of peace would envelop anyone who could imagine such a delicious irony.
oook f*kw*t so you want an islamic uk nuffsaid

i want anything to do with islam outlawed regardless of the consequences

who in there right mind would suppport a religion ( yes it is a religion ) that advocates death to all infidels > ? wtf is that meant to be if not a threat

kick them all out if they wont stop worshipping this evil religion

ps u get personal on me why ? cant you simply state your case

ah your not alone on here some want to stop freedom of speech on here too eh kendor eh ;) u mad mullah u
Slogger said:
ah your not alone on here some want to stop freedom of speech on here too eh kendor eh ;) u mad mullah u
but wasn't it you that said that the mullahs should be silenced? freedom of speech is one thing, incitment to harming others is another and when you banter on about freedom of speech don't tarnish the ability to debate, with the act of bigotry and incitment to violence.

Both you and those that incite terrorism should be stopped.
Slogger said:
oook f*kw*t so you want an islamic uk nuffsaid
Slogger, the eloquence of your repost overwhelms me. I'm particularly speechless in the light of your "oook" comment - I never saw it from that point of view.

For the record, I don't want an Islamic UK; I would like a multicultural UK with all the diversity and strengths that it brings, and I accept that things are not, and would not, be 100% harmonious all of the time.

Slogger said:
i want anything to do with islam outlawed regardless of the consequences

who in there right mind would suppport a religion ( yes it is a religion ) that advocates death to all infidels > ? wtf is that meant to be if not a threat

kick them all out if they wont stop worshipping this evil religion
To answer your question, many right-minded Muslims support Islam. I don't feel threatened by any of them except those who strap bombs to themselves and stare into the middle distance as though they've been forced to watch an entire episode of "Trisha". The IRA, and other organisations, have caused more death and destruction in this country, and all without naming Islam as their cause, so it's not a simple equation of Islam = death = deport all Muslims.

Slogger said:
ps u get personal on me why ? cant you simply state your case

ah your not alone on here some want to stop freedom of speech on here too eh kendor eh ;) u mad mullah u

No (sigh), kendor doesn't want to stop freedom of speech, and hasn't said so either. Is there really nothing you can do, or no medication that you could take, that would allow you to distinguish between what people are posting on this topic and the words that you wrongly attribute to them? Put your head in a vice perhaps?

In terms of "getting personal", most of your posts involve an insult to some person or some group of people. When people state their case to you they receive a standard response that invariably involves the words "loony" and "left". You're hardly the president of the Oxford Debating Society, are you?! Now that I'm already bending, I'll take a brief moment to crouch right down to your level and observe that you readily dish out criticsm, but you can't take it. My case, should you choose to digest it, is that you can't put you emotions to one side and listen to reason.

Having said all that, the thing that puts us on the same level, the thing we have in common, is that neither has any likely prospect of bringing the other round to our point of view. We each think we're right and that the other is wrong. The difference is that you're in a dwindling minority, on this topic at least. Given that you believe your view is held by the majority of people in the UK, then the only logical conclusion is that you must be on the wrong forum.

Goodbye Slogger - I'd like to say that it's been an education, but it hasn't. The fact that you exist at all confirms my worst fears. I must to get up again now as my back is hurting.
kendor said:
Both you and those that incite terrorism should be stopped.
Hang on kendor, I don't remember seeing Slogger inciting terrorism - give him his due, surely he has only advocated acts of barbarism to a degree equivalent of a holocaust?
Softus said:
Slogger said:
oook f*kw*t so you want an islamic uk nuffsaid

For the record, I don't want an Islamic UK; I would like a multicultural UK with all the diversity and strengths that it brings, and I accept that things are not, and would not, be 100% harmonious all of the time.

Just like a multicultural Iraq or Yugoslavia? Where things are far from harmonious 100% of the time. It's the stuff that dreams are made of.

joe-90 said:
Softus said:
For the record, I don't want an Islamic UK; I would like a multicultural UK with all the diversity and strengths that it brings, and I accept that things are not, and would not, be 100% harmonious all of the time.

Just like a multicultural Iraq or Yugoslavia? Where things are far from harmonious 100% of the time. It's the stuff that dreams are made of.

Read the POST
I did and I replied to it. Is Englsh your second language?

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