Rishi delivers.

You can’t argue that massive public sector above inflation pay rises have no impact on inflation.
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It's silly to look at one quarter. I said exactly the same when growth was negative.
I find what info we get interesting. It's usually what makes things look good.

Switch to the US and they recently had a bit of a stock market wobble. It reflected to some extent in many listings. What info did they use to worry about. New job creation numbers, looked ok but a small increase in unempliyment. Oh dear we may be heading for a recession, FED step in before it's too late and cut interest rates which are where they are for a reason. They were waiting for info on retail sector performance. Important as like us they import a lot.
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You can’t argue that massive public sector above inflation pay rises have no impact on inflation.
Yes you can. You also make no mention of the gov back office cost cuts. General wide spread over inflation pay rises do have an effect. Both are likely to increase GDP but only in the retail sector. Tax take also increases.

The increases also go some way towards countering the price increases due to inflation.
Because I waited and I saw! It’s happened, not a projection, hunch or a wish. Fact.
yes its fact that inflation rose in the period to July whilst the Conservatives were in power

Its happened not a projection, hunch or a wish. its Fact that it happened whilst Tories were in govt
Yes you can. You also make no mention of the gov back office cost cuts. General wide spread over inflation pay rises do have an effect. Both are likely to increase GDP but only in the retail sector. Tax take also increases.

The increases also go some way towards countering the price increases due to inflation.
Pay rises in the public sector increase GDP? Is that really what you wanted to say?
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